Where to brick and mortar LSD cell now?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 1, 2007
SW Ohio
Went to Walmart to get some more LSD cells. No more in stock. They once had Hybrids, Kodaks and even Eneloops. Now they stock none. Many other stores never carried them to begin with.

I guess these are a threat to primary cells and/or were never promoted well. It is a shame.
Where did you look? Walmart has about 3 different battery sections, and still carries tons of LSD cells.
Target has LSD cells. They have the Duracell pre-charged on sale for $6.45/pk of 4. Pick up the white top, made in Japan versions. They are reported to be rebranded Eneloops.
Eneloops are popular actually. Targets, Walgreens and Fry's carry them. $6.45 for 4 is good price. I just saw them at Targets for $12.99 for 4.
Thanks all! I drove over to the next burb where the target is and bought two packs of the white top precharged Duracells. I hope they are re-branded Eneloops, cause that would be a fine deal.
Do you guys top off your precharged when you get them? Thia is my first lsd purchase...
Do you guys top off your precharged when you get them? Thia is my first lsd purchase...
You are asking the wrong crowd. We usually discharge them immediately to see how much charge they were holding from the factory...which is usually a good indication of the age and quality of the cells. If the discharge numbers are low or uneven it is not a good sign.
Thanks all! I drove over to the next burb where the target is and bought two packs of the white top precharged Duracells. I hope they are re-branded Eneloops, cause that would be a fine deal.

If the tops of your cells appear identical to those in this image, and they state 'Made in Japan' along their longitudinal axis, you've can presume you've got the real thing:

Here is what I bought. I uploaded the pictures that I just took.

Yes, those are the ones! The black topped ones looked similar to the RayoVac Hybrids they also had. I popped one pack, without charging, into my Pentax SLR that I used a little yesterday and today. The date code as someone posted in CPF seems to indicate that they were manufactured and sitting around since January 09. I'll see how long they go.

The other pack goes into my old Canon A610 camera. The soon to be three year old RayoVac hybrids will get other uses such as LED and incan flashlight use. They seem to be going strong.

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