Where to find a few cheap 1AAA lights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
six blocks from ground zero - WTC/NYC
My bro wants to pick up a few 1AAA lights to give away. We're talking about the $1 - $2 range per light. Nothing fancy expected, but hopefully it won't fall apart when breathed on. :duh2: Would also like it to be at least as bright as the original Dorcy 1AAA. Are there any Dorcy 1AAA clones out there? :)

Anybody have suggestions and links?
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There are some cheap ones but not that are THAT cheap as far as I know. There were some in the $3-5 range (put a want-to-buy post on cpfmp b/s/t). If you want under $1 per light, get Fauxtons from the usual places, for around 45 cents each.
Try these. I got one and although not real bright (think original Arc/Dorcy 1AAA - 3 lumens maybe), it's actually very nicely made with nice threads, finish, clicky, etc.
Thanks for the finds nerdgineer and Meduza. :)

nerdgineer, I already left you a post in your thread about this light. Please post a review when you get them. :)

Meduza, do you have any experience with these lights?
No, not that particular models.

I do have experience with SZWholsale tough, and they are good to make affairs with, my proposal is to order one of each as a sample, and if it fits your quality requirements you can order more later?