Where to find a ZL h501w with new UI?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2010
Now that I've lurked here awhile, I think I'm sold on getting a Zebra light H501w with the new UI (I like the moon setting). I would think the best place to order it from would be right from there sight. However, they show that it's back-ordered.

I was hoping to find a light I wanted and get it by this Friday. Am I out of luck, or is there somewhere reputable to order that might have one?

Not many people may recommend a dealer at present because there was recently an issue about people making recommendations that were considered to be 'shilling'. I would recommend you look in the CPF Marketplace dealers threads here - http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/forumdisplay.php?f=13

The main flashlight dealers who are respected by CPF members have items posted with links to their websites and you can easily search to see who stocks Zebralights. Some also offer a discount to CPF members - see the CPF specials sticky thread in the Good deals sub forum also at the marketplace.

Hope that was useful and :welcome:

Not many people may recommend a dealer at present because there was recently an issue about people making recommendations that were considered to be 'shilling'. I would recommend you look in the CPF Marketplace dealers threads here - http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/forumdisplay.php?f=13

The main flashlight dealers who are respected by CPF members have items posted with links to their websites and you can easily search to see who stocks Zebralights. Some also offer a discount to CPF members - see the CPF specials sticky thread in the Good deals sub forum also at the marketplace.

Hope that was useful and :welcome:

I was going to post earlier, didn't catch an oppertunity. I received an email from ZL today stating that they had them back in stock, so I placed my order.

Thanks for the response though!
My pleasure. You will like the H501w. Mine arrived today from Zebralight and I think it will be a much nicer reading light then the H501 and for use in the garden and a local park. The H501 will still be used - that flood is useful and the cool white is better in my opinion for light polluted urban areas.
I might have to try a "w" version one of these days to find out for myself why it's so popular.
I see that the new H51's cost around the same as the H501, what one should I buy if I am going to pull the trigger right now?

I'm thinking H501w first even if it does not have the new UI ?
I see that the new H51's cost around the same as the H501, what one should I buy if I am going to pull the trigger right now?

I'm thinking H501w first even if it does not have the new UI ?

Buy both. Use the H501w for close-up tasks and the H51 for spotting.