Where to get SF E2L Cree 5 Drop in?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 21, 2008
I'm looking for a cree 5 drop in for my E2L. I know that opticshq carries them, but it comes with a strike bezel, which I'm not a big fan of. They said they may have on in a few weeks without the bezel. At the meantime, I'm just wondering if anyone know where else can I get one. Thanks
I'm guessing your meaning a Q5? Nobody but OpticsHQ makes a mass produced one. Milky could put one together for you. Or you could just swap the emitter yourself.
Yes, Q5, that's what I meant. Thanks for the quick response. Hmmm ... I guess i have no choice but to wait until OpticsHQ makes the one without the bezel. Anyone has photos of it the ones OpticsHQ is currently selling?

I bought mine from OpticsHQ but mine is the striker-bezel version, but you could try here.......http://www.tacticalnightvision.com/illumination.htm, they have the non-striker bezel listed. I've never ordered from this place so I don't know about them.

And Bug Out Gear USA......http://www.bugoutgearusa.com/index.html.......has listed Cree Conversion Heads for E-Series Surefires coming soon, might want to keep an eye out over there as well!
