Which 10440 cell do you feed Yor LOD-CE?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 8, 2006
Just curious which 10440 others power their LOD-CE with. Which ones seem to give the best performance?
I've only seen the ultrafire ones, and the AW ones. I don't think there is much difference since they are both unprotected and have about the same capacity (ultrafire is overstating, 500 mah is not true, more like 350 mah I've heard).
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Ultrafire unprot. As soon as I can tell it's dimming I stop use and charge it. You can tell when there isn't such a jump from med-low-high levels.
Ultrafire here too. Runtime seems adequate for intermittent use. I haven't had them long but looks like they'll only need to be recharged every 2 or 3 weeks with my occasional use. I'm pleased with the performance.