Which AAA light for Witz survival kit?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 14, 2006
Alberta, Canada
I am looking to build a personal survival kit based on a Witz See-it-Safe or ID locker case. These cases have a 1/2" wide spot at the opening but taper down quickly.

I have coin cell lights that I could use but I would prefer a AAA light.

My Fenix LOD Rebel doesn't fit, I don't think a Peak AAA will fit, I think the Arc AAA might fit but I am not sure if its the light I want.

Anyone know of any alternatives?



A Solitaire is one of the narrower AAA lights out there. Pop in a LED upgrade and a L92, and you're good to go (for the next 15 years).
The Arc AAA is just a very tiny bit smaller than the L0D, which I assume is probably the same size as yours. The width on the AAA is 1.27cm vs 1.40cm.

Maybe it's the length that's holding you up though.. Arc AAA is 7.17cm vs L0D 7.44cm with battery and turned off.

Aha, I googled what you were talking about. I've seen those GeoCaching, and they are small.. I think it's probably length that's getting you, so the Arc might do it, especially if you remove the battery and screw the head all the way down, but not sure.
peak makes some aaa lights that have nothing on the tailcap, very short.

Peak Matterhorn with a pocket body. No lanyard attachment point, but these things *are* small.

The only small light I know that comes close to the Arc as far as reliability is concerned. I use a standard version (about 4-5 lumens) as my backup light when travelling.

Well, it's the backup to my backup actually ... :D


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