which charger


Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2009
Hey all, just a few questions for you. I managed to get some white top "duraloops" at an amazing (wrong) price on the weekend. I originally decided (after many hours researching) to stick with Duracell ultra alkaline batteries because through work I can get them in bulk and they work out to be very cheap. Also I had never had any problems with Duracell batteries just el cheapo's.
Now to the questions,
1)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]How long can these batteries last in the pack? ie should I take them all out and charge them or leave them in the pack. I have way too many, I don't really care because of the price but would like to do the right thing.
2)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Which are the best chargers? Some of the info is a few years old and I want to check on the current models.
3)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]If these models are current I am leaning towards the LeCrosse 9009, 900, 700 (which one ?) over the Maha C9000 because from reviews I think it would be easier to use. Also easier if someone else in my family wants to use it.
4)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Are there any others I should look at?
5)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]So far amazon looks the cheapest but I have never bought off there. Are they good?
Cheers for reading and any input is greatly appreciated.
The Maha C9000 and LaCrosse BC-900 are two of the best NiMH chargers you can get if you want to learn how to use them. If you want a charger expecting to just put the batteries in and no worries they are, probably, not the best option.
If all you want to do is charge AA Eneloops/Duraloops, the Maha C9000 is real easy to use: put the batteries in and take them out when the LCD on each slot says "Done". What could be easier? (You could press the button a couple of times for each, but the defaults are good and the C9000 will timeout and use them if you don't select something else. This is a feature I would prefer not to have, but it suits your needs perfectly.)
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Hi thanks for the replies. I will learn how to use what ever I get. When i said easier i was meaning if someone else wanted to use it if i wasnt there. In a review i read the different amount of info that needed to be entered to charge would have been a little difficult to explain to my wife lol(probably would have gone like:confused::scowl::rant::poof:). So when i did learn how to use either one which is better or is it much of a muchness. What advantages does the C9000 have over the bc900 or vise-versa. Cheers
I think the main difference is the maha c-9000 is alot less likely to have a melt down over the La Crosse 9009.
...When i said easier i was meaning if someone else wanted to use it if i wasnt there [In a review i read the different amount of info that needed to be entered to charge would have been a little difficult to explain to my wife lol]. So when i did learn how to use either one which is better or is it much of a muchness. What advantages does the C9000 have over the bc900 or vise-versa. Cheers

The Maha has a default/dumb mode that charges at 1000 mA rate which is 0.5C for eneloops (2000 mA-H) that results from plug and play (no buttons to press) that would suit your wife perfectly. The defaults for Lacrosse are "dangerous" and require you to over-ride them...so for your wife, the Lacrosse would be more difficult to use.

If it is a given that you will over-ride the defaults then you should look at Tom's (SilverFox's) comparison. For any other info, TTA has compiled a nice set of links.

Bottom Line: You can go out a buy that Maha and stick it under the tree...your wife will love it :twothumbs
Just a question not a comment. On the C9000, what is the default rate for AAA cells?
Just a question not a comment. On the C9000, what is the default rate for AAA cells?

Unfortunately, it doesn't distinguish between AAA and AA cells, so the default is still 1000, which is definitely too high for a AAA.