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Which Eiger: Runtime vs. Output?


Sep 13, 2003
Oregon Coast
I am looking at picking up my first Peak Eiger, but am having a tough time deciding on which power level to get. I already know that I want a medium beam, with a cool tint. And I plan on running it mostly with a combination of alkaline or lithium AAA batts.

Can anyone tell me which power level would give me the longest runtime, with the highest lumen output on AAA's? I am not looking for a tiny pocket-rocket with a 100 lumens, so level #8 is out. While Level #1 might be too low for my needs. I really don't know. *shrug*

Just so you know, this light will be a general purpose light. Something to use around the house, maybe even carry on my car keys. It could also be tasked as a mini tent light when car camping or backpacking. I have a SF C2 with a Malkoff M61 as my reach-out-and-touch-something light.. ;)

ETA: I just don't want to be in a situation where say I order up a #4 Eiger, but then later find out that I should have bought a #3 instead. Because it runs longer, while not giving up that much in the way of lumen output. If that makes sense...

Any help will be appreciated. :thanks:
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I have owned 2 #8 cool eigers with the older Rebel 100 emitter- now have a #6 that I am fairly sure is the newer Cree. I am no longer using the LiIon 10440's- and have switched back to alkalines, eneloop ni mh and lithium primary energizers- just personal preference. I am assuming that you like low lows- about how many lumens are you looking for- like a CMG Infinity level?
I have also owned several matterhorns- single and 3 led nichia's- I see you have a SF with Malkof drop in- I picked up a new Peak Logan in #7 (guessing 140-150 OTF lumens) that I run SF primaries in- it is an awesome light- that in a level 2 would prob. fit your needs and you could use the same primaries and run a loooong time. Level 1- even longer.
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I think the level 4 is a nice balance in runtime and output. It should get you near the middle of your output requirement. I would not go any lower than a #3.

Whats nice is a #4 runs cool on even a lithium ion cell and about doubles the output. I very versitile level.
I have a #3 Eiger medium/warm I got off the MP and it sounds like you'd be happy with it as far as a general tasklight. It is plenty bright and will give you longer runtime. I am personally looking forward to my #0 Eigers for the longest runtime they offer. The #3 would be one of the best compromises for you, but based on my lack of knowledge of the #2 and #1, I'd say the #3 is a safe bet. For me the #3 is too bright for what I prefer, but then again some low modes and even moon modes are still brighter than what I prefer. For example my Novatacs are all set up with .08/.33/.97/2.74 lumens and I usually only use the first 2 of the lowest modes.
levels 2-4 should fit the bill. With the medium optic- good diffusion- no noticable hot spot. Have you ever tried out any Peak lights?
No. I haven't. And I really don't have the money to buy several different models just to see which one I really like, that is why I am asking...
No. I haven't. And I really don't have the money to buy several different models just to see which one I really like, that is why I am asking...

cool- then just go with whatever it is you see fit. Take Beacon's advice- he knows his stuff.
Thanks for the replies, Everyone.

I am going with a Level #3, medium beam, cool tint, AAA lug, HA body. Talk about options overkill! :D
If the Eiger's perform anything like the older Matterhorn's, you can always get a sufficient boost from standard lithiums if you find that you would like a little more punch.