Which Host for Malkoff M61?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2009
I've been on the waiting list for what seems like forever for a Malkoff M60W with the intent of using it in a Surefire 6P. (Okay, it seems like forever.) In the meantime, I managed to procure a M61; however, I had to obtain it by means of purchasing it in a MD2.

Now, I really like the Surefire 6P body - it feels so comfortable in my hand. On the other hand, there is not anything terribly bad about the MD2 host. Without offending anybody, it'd business end does look like Buddy Holly's horn-rimmed glasses and the clicky switch is strangely familiar to Madonna's cone bra from her Blonde Ambition tour. But, the host is solid and there is plenty of aluminum, both for durability and heat dissipation. Nothing wrong with the beam and I imagine it wouldn't change much in the 6P any how. It appears to be bored to accept the 18650 batteries although I use primaries.

It may just come down to preference but are there any other things that I should consider (or overlooked) in the decision of which host?
MD2 hands down, no contest! (ok, I have never handled the 6P...) It's pretty much the same size as the 6P, so it should feel really comfortable in your hands too.

Here's an interesting post in the Malkoff M61 thread talking about the different beam, depending on the host. MD2 gives the best results.

IHMO, the MD2 is the best because
1) Clicky (and it's not really that loud)
2) Can have a High/Low switch
3) 18650 compatible (although you intend to use primaries)
4) Best beam for the M61

You still can't go wrong with a 6P though :)
FWW, there are a bunch of M61's on Malkoff's site right now, so maybe you can keep the MD2 and get another M61 for use in a different host. ;)

I love the MD2, and have one with the high-low switch and tail-shroud/pocket clip option. Makes for a very versatile light, is very solid and nicely made.

The question is, what do you intend for the light to do?
FWW, there are a bunch of M61's on Malkoff's site right now, so maybe you can keep the MD2 and get another M61 for use in a different host.
I'm warning you - don't make me spend more money! ;) Seriously, I'm a flashaholic. What's money?

The question is, what do you intend for the light to do?
I'm getting so many lights that the answer to that becomes a bit fuzzy. For now, let's just say, indoor and short-distance outdoor middle-of-the-night investigation.
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I've been on the waiting list for what seems like forever for a Malkoff M60W with the intent of using it in a Surefire 6P. (Okay, it seems like forever.) In the meantime, I managed to procure a M61; however, I had to obtain it by means of purchasing it in a MD2.

Now, I really like the Surefire 6P body - it feels so comfortable in my hand. On the other hand, there is not anything terribly bad about the MD2 host. Without offending anybody, it'd business end does look like Buddy Holly's horn-rimmed glasses and the clicky switch is strangely familiar to Madonna's cone bra from her Blonde Ambition tour. But, the host is solid and there is plenty of aluminum, both for durability and heat dissipation. Nothing wrong with the beam and I imagine it wouldn't change much in the 6P any how. It appears to be bored to accept the 18650 batteries although I use primaries.

It may just come down to preference but are there any other things that I should consider (or overlooked) in the decision of which host?

Actually the beam is maximized in the MD2 host and you would lose a little bit around the outer circumference of the spill due to the 6P recess of the bezel. The MD2 is the better host. The well rounded rubber boot on the MD2 works great. Great positive forward momentary or full click action, never an accidental turn on. The 2 mode function of the MD2 host cannot be beat by a 6P.

Sorry can't give you any usefull analogies to Madona's underwear to help you understand better. :crackup:
go w/ the MD2, especially if you already have it. its the most simple way to achieve dual output and there aren't too many other lamps that will fit the MD2. mostly the M30's and M60's and i never liked using those in the MD2 that much since the optic doubles as an exterior surface. i would much rather scratch and have to replace a plain, flat lense (as w/ the M61) than an optic.
I don't see what's wrong with the MD2 host.. I have one myself, although with the original M60. It might not be beautiful but I choose function over form. I guess if you want a pretty light you can look for something else.:nana:
My M61 is sitting in a Z2 - one of the better tactical grip designs and just a lot of fun to toy with.

And when I do pull it out for checking the bump in the noise, I have excellent retention every time.

I've been on the waiting list for what seems like forever for a Malkoff M60W with the intent of using it in a Surefire 6P.

I am sorry, but these dropins are discontinued. I wanted a M60WL also for using in a 6P, but I was too late...:shakehead

Regards, Patric
I was the author of the linked to post testing the spill beam of 3 different M61 hosts. The M61 has a very bright and wide spill beam unlike the M60. The MD2, whilst not the most beautiful of hosts to some, does provide a clicky format, a hi/lo mode option and a smaller sized host compared with modern 6P.

I personally have my M61 in a vintage/round 6P. Two main reasons - 1. Smaller size - similar to the Md2. 2. Full width spill similar to the MD2. The only issue is the relative scarcity of the old school 6Ps.

IMHO, anybody who has only used their M61 in a newer style 6P doesn't know what their missing.

MD2 hands down, no contest! (ok, I have never handled the 6P...) It's pretty much the same size as the 6P, so it should feel really comfortable in your hands too.

Here's an interesting post in the Malkoff M61 thread talking about the different beam, depending on the host. MD2 gives the best results.

IHMO, the MD2 is the best because
1) Clicky (and it's not really that loud)
2) Can have a High/Low switch
3) 18650 compatible (although you intend to use primaries)
4) Best beam for the M61

You still can't go wrong with a 6P though :)
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Well, I ordered another M61 to put in a host yet to be determined.

Originally Posted by jp2515
Everyone knows that having merely 1 Malkoff is not enough! Owning 2 or more is more like it. :D
Thank you for helping lighten my wallet. I need another flashlight like I need an accordion to go duck hunting.

I do have a 6P host available but some of the other suggestions intrigue me. I'll mull it over some more. I am beginning to warm up to the MD2 but the Buddy Holly look still makes me smile. I do prefer function over form.

Thanks everyone for your input.
Well a lot of people have recommended a lot of excellent hosts... but one remains a standout favorite of mine-- an E-series body (E2e, E2D, etc) with the VME bezel and the M61. It's a killer combo that makes it easy to carry the best P60-size module around as an EDC.
The perfect edc light (in my opinion)

1x Malkoff M61
1x VME Head
1x Aleph body (McGizmo body if you have the money)
1x Tailcap for aleph if you need it

I have this setup and it's really...REALLY...love it.