Which incan with great throw (short runtime OK)


Newly Enlightened
Nov 19, 2009
Hi All,
I have a few LED lights but nothing (other than a very old maglight AA) that is incadescent. I would like to buy/build a fairly throwy lightfor use at about 150 yards, and as I only need about 15 minutes of runtime I thought I should look at all options. Basically, I would like to know if it is possible to get something either similar in size to a Jetbeam M2S (65mm dia, 200mm long) with a significantly better hotspot, or has an equivalent hotspot but is considerably shorter (both would be even better: -)!)

I have a few AW 18650 cells if that makes any difference, but am open to using something else if required, and was aiming to spend around $100-$150. I do not mind basic mods/soldering, but do not have the equipment for much more.

I was thinking a 2C ROP using AW IMR26500 cells and a Bi-Focal M*g Reflector By FiveMega, will this provide suitable performance, and/or are there better options for my requirements?
A m*g85 using the FM deep smo reflector will give you great throw. The bi-focal will be more useful with great throw and usefull spill. "A very well thought out reflector that I'm starting to like very much" For super throw with good spill the FM09 with the 2.5 vlop throwmaster is going to be hard to beat. " I have 2 of these but one has 45 mins run time and the other has even more with its 3 level soft start"
more or less exactly the same as above I would recommend!

On the other hand, you can also use a Wolf Eyes M90 Rattlesnake as a host, and add that lamp assembly. These hosts are fairly cheap and have a very good cooling of the lamp. Best of all, if you get them with a LED-tailcap, you also have a long-running emergency light in the SAME flashlight :thumbsup:

I would have to say a FM1909 driven by 3 batteryspace LiMnNi Rechargeable 4000 mAh 26650 cells. This works well in a 3D Mag of your choice. I would also hardily suggest you use a Kiu high temperature socket kit and also a good MOP aluminum reflector plus boro lens. This will give you a great 30+ minute mod with great throw that is still fairly robust and reliable. Happy Mods!
A m*g85 using the FM deep smo reflector will give you great throw.

I'd go for something like the 3x18650 30W Solarforce L1200, cheap and effective... plus if all else fails, just use it as a club :twak:

i have 4c mag85 with deep reflector, it throws really far, only my lights that out throw it are 50w halogen with 2,5 throw master, and par 36 4515 (not yet a completed light)
l1200 looks like it has 1185bulb, or something identical, mounted in screw in base.
this weekend i had a chance to compare my mag85 with l1200, my deep reflector mag throws farther, but l1200 has more spill, and bigger hot spot. they both made my friends sl20 look like total fail.
if you into modding build mag 85
if you want just buy already build light, lighthound sells l1200 cheap, thou replacment bulb are $20, but since you don't care much about runtime (i figured you wont be using it a lot) you don't need to worry about short bulb life.
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I received my FM Bi-focal reflector yesterday and tried it out in one of my Mag85's, my first impression of the reflector was :eek: where have you been all my life? Excellent throw, makes the hotspot almost like a axial filament bulb, being perfectly round and visible for well over 100 yards. Great choice if you plan on keeping the "stock" appearance of your mag.
I recently snagged a 9AN Commander off of CPFMP. I subsequently ordered a KT3 Turbohead for it. I received it yesterday[thanks Victoria and Spyder Tactical :twothumbs] and tried it out last night. Holy freakin cow!! With the TH on it, it throws and throws. It lit up my 'test tree' better than my old JetBeam M1X did - 175 yds away. And this lamp is rated at 'only' 140 SF lumens. WOW.


And being able to rotate the head and get the low 20 lumen level is really nice.
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