Which is the Best Aspheric Thrower Under $50


Jun 2, 2009
I want an aspheric thrower as a toy. I have the Romisen flood to throw and I've heard of the X2000 on DX. I'm looking for something that throws further than either of these but I don't want a giant SST-50... I prefer a 2 X CR123 or 1 X 18650 setup. No 3 X AAA please.
I think the romisen rc-c6 might be the best aspherical thrower under 50 bucks.

The only other options I can think of, under 50 bucks, would be to put an aspherical lens in a solarforce or similar p60 light, or maybe the new romisen rc-c8 which will be similar to the 29 and c6 but be able to take 18650's and 2xcr123. I have only seen this light on ebay but I plan to get one once shiningbeam gets them in stock. Deal extreme sells a 28mm aspherical lens which I plan to try out in my p60 light.
I think the romisen rc-c6 might be the best aspherical thrower under 50 bucks.

The only other options I can think of, under 50 bucks, would be to put an aspherical lens in a solarforce or similar p60 light, or maybe the new romisen rc-c8 which will be similar to the 29 and c6 but be able to take 18650's and 2xcr123. I have only seen this light on ebay but I plan to get one once shiningbeam gets them in stock. Deal extreme sells a 28mm aspherical lens which I plan to try out in my p60 light.

Both options are great tips! Thanks.

Do you know if the RC-C8 will have more output? I hope so! I need to buy a PLI clicky from Shiningbeam so it will work out well if this is on his site. Save some money on shipping to buy both at once. I wonder if the PLI SST-50 will arrive in our lifetimes? LOL

Will you let me know in this thread if the RC-C8 becomes available? I'm subscribed with email notification so I won't miss it. You know how fast stuff can sell out on Shiningbeam!

Also, please let me know how that aspherical lens from DX works out. I have an L2 and a Javelin I can mess around with and a 6P in the mail so maybe it will fit one of them. I don't have any XR-E drop ins but I can always get one. I have MC-E and XP-G and neither are any good for aspherical lenses - or so I have read.

Anchor Optics stocks a 26 mm aspheric for $10. More than DX or KD but less than Melles Griot.

I wouldn't know how to use it. Don't these things have to be precisely focused for the light source used?
I assume the C8 will be brighter as it uses 18650's or 2xcr123, but don't know for sure. I hope so. I love the design of these lights but because they waste some of their output the more the better.
I think DX sku 22934 is probably the best thrower for under $50. It is the recoil thrower. It has a larger head/reflector that the P60 lights and it is a recoil design (meaning the led is attached to the front lens and points back at the reflector.

I don't have it so I can't say for sure. It depends on how hard the emitter is driven. The R2 drop-in from DX is supposed to be driven pretty hard I believe so that in a P60 host even with the smaller head might be just as good but I don't know.

To answer the question about using an aspheric lens. In the case of a P60 host, L2, P6, or whatever, the 28 mm aspheric lens from DX is used to replace the front glass lens in those lights. Supposedly this puts it at the correct focusing point. I can't say for sure. I have those parts on order but haven't received them yet.

DX sku 16538 might be better. It uses a R2 and a 50 mm reflector. My guess is this one probably throws the best for an under $50 light. It's around $25 actually.
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I think DX sku 22934 is probably the best thrower for under $50. It is the recoil thrower. It has a larger head/reflector that the P60 lights and it is a recoil design (meaning the led is attached to the front lens and points back at the reflector.

I don't have it so I can't say for sure. It depends on how hard the emitter is driven. The R2 drop-in from DX is supposed to be driven pretty hard I believe so that in a P60 host even with the smaller head might be just as good but I don't know.

To answer the question about using an aspheric lens. In the case of a P60 host, L2, P6, or whatever, the 28 mm aspheric lens from DX is used to replace the front glass lens in those lights. Supposedly this puts it at the correct focusing point. I can't say for sure. I have those parts on order but haven't received them yet.

DX sku 16538 might be better. It uses a R2 and a 50 mm reflector. My guess is this one probably throws the best for an under $50 light. It's around $25 actually.

Please excuse my ignorance but I assume 26 mm is the correct size for an L2 or a 6P?

I never heard of a "reflex" thrower before although I've seen big lights that point back at the reflector as you've explained.

As the title says I'm looking for an aspheric thrower. I should have said why. I'm trying to avoid a large head.

When you receive your aspherical lens from DX will you do me a favor and post here how well it works? It sounds good. Whether I could actually get it into my flashlight and get it to stay put in another question. Saying I'm not mechanically inclined is an understatement.

You are on the right track though. I am looking for a toy so the price sounds good. I wonder if there is any non-toy use for an asherical throwing flashlight? I mean I really want a deft (big head and all) but once I light up some trees a half mile away then what?

The nice thing about the flood to throw asherics is that when you're done playing with them you can use them like real falshlights. Now an aspherical lens that can be easily put on and taken off has the same advantage.

Thanks for your informative reply! I used to avoid DX like the plague (although I've always liked Shiningbeam) but I just cannot afford to keep blowing $100 every time I get the urge to try a new toy!
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Please excuse my ignorance but I assume 26 mm is the correct size for an L2 or a 6P?


I think DX sku 22934 is probably the best thrower for under $50. It is the recoil thrower. It has a larger head/reflector that the P60 lights and it is a recoil design (meaning the led is attached to the front lens and points back at the reflector.

DX sku 16538 throws farther. ~$25 too.

When you receive your aspherical lens from DX will you do me a favor and post here how well it works? It sounds good. Whether I could actually get it into my flashlight and get it to stay put in another question. Saying I'm not mechanically inclined is an understatement.

The aspheric lens itself is super easy to mount. But if you want the beam to look like a "proper" aspheric, you'll have to take off the standard reflector, otherwise the beam will look like a starry night sky (with the usual aspheric emitter-shaped projection in the middle).
from what I understand p60 drop-ins should all have a diameter of 26.5mm, but it seems like this doesn't necessarily mean they all have the same head size. The L2 or real SF 6P may take that size lens, but I know my sky-ray for example takes a slightly bigger lens.
The nice thing about the flood to throw asherics is that when you're done playing with them you can use them like real falshlights. Now an aspherical lens that can be easily put on and taken off has the same advantage.

Torch light C78 Cree Q3-WC (flood to throw) seems not to be ridiculous for a $9.83 (1*AA) flashlight. Nice toy.

MXDL SA-28 Cree Q2 (flood to throw) $10.70 (1*18650/3*AAA)

MXDL SA-28 Cree Q5 (flood to throw) $14.21 (1*18650/3*AAA)

Tiablo A9s + Collimator is over $50, I leave it from NiXoN's OP for comparison.

Torch Light C78

MXDL SA-28 1x18650

Tiablo A9s + Collimator

EDIT: to add MXDL's beamshot.
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One in the same league:

MXDL SA-28 CREE Q5 from KD for 10.70$. Uses 1 18650 or 3 AAA.
Aspheric lens flood to throw. Lens is 35 mm outside diameter.
Got a link? Oh I see...I thought the flashlight was called Nautic! LOL It's just an X2000 clone from the looks of it. Very poor heat sinking. I know, I know...it's cheap and I asked for cheap.

I like the A9 with collimator. Much tighter beam. Lights to the END of the tunnel. Too bad THAT isn't under $50!

I wonder if the RC-C6 focused has more lux than my R2 T20C2? Nobody seems to do in detail reviews of budget lights including lumens and lux.
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MXDL SA-28 CREE Q5 from KD for 10.70$.
The one from KD is Cree Q2 5 modes.
There is a Q5 3 modes at qualitychinagoods.com

I think that the best choices for your bucks were those made by sol-leks:

The only other options I can think of, under 50 bucks, would be to put an aspherical lens in a solarforce or similar p60 light, or maybe the new romisen rc-c8 which will be similar to the 29 and c6 but be able to take 18650's and 2xcr123. I have only seen this light on ebay but I plan to get one once shiningbeam gets them in stock. Deal extreme sells a 28mm aspherical lens which I plan to try out in my p60 light.
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The P60 host I have has a lens that is 28.6mm (Uniquefire L2). I just received the 28mm DX glass aspheric lens Friday.

It goes in the Uniquefire just fine as a replacement of the front lens. I haven't received the R2 drop-in yet but I expect it to come today (Saturday) or Monday.

I already have one of the $10 DX flood-to-throw lights. When the R2 drop-in comes I should be able to tell right away if it is substantially better than the flood-to-throw that I have.

Aspheric lens usually aren't used with reflectors for the reasons mentioned above but with a P60 drop-in you need the reflector for spacing as everything is free (not fixed).

I plan on unscrewing the reflector from the emitter/heatsink and I will spray it will matte black spray paint. This will effectively remove it from the beam output. I have an extra reflector so this is not a problem.

This light will just be to play with and it is a useful spot light. I'll keep it in my backpack while hiking/camping. I'll use a smaller light to see how to move around and this one will just be for use as a spot light.

I'll let you know if it's appreciably better than the flood-to-throw that I have (which should also be similar to your Romisen flood-to-throw). I ordered these parts just as an experiment.

When I pull out my flood-to-throw I never use it for flood anyway so hopefully this one throws just a little better. It should. My other light uses a P4 and runs on 3 AAA batteries. This is a R2 (and is driven pretty hard I believe) and uses (1) 18650.
The one from KD is Cree Q2 5 modes.
There is a Q5 3 modes at qualitychinagoods.com

The MXDL from KD are adverticed as a Q2, but you get a Q5. I did anyway.
And it is a 3 mode (low,high.strobe)
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I appreciate all the input but nobody has really given any evidence or cited any experience saying THIS one outthrows the others. They all seem the same.