You want the 1SM-1, input voltage up to 6v.Dereelight drop-in will be used in a G2 and 6P with 2 CR123's (6v). I am finding different answers when I look. Thank you
Is there a cheaper P60 host anywhere? I'm going to have to order more reflectors and pills.
Is there a cheaper P60 host anywhere?
I know that the RC-E4 (2X16340 & 1X17670) takes P60 modules. Are you certain that the RC-M4 also takes P60 modules?
I ordered a Dereelight CL1H v3 with additional reflector and two DI R2-dropins recently (one was thought for my DBS), but as one of these dropins was much on the yellowish side, I decided to keep my old 3SD Q5 pill in the DBS, and put that dropin with the additional reflector in a RC-M4. Works flawlessly :wave:
You want the 1SM-1, input voltage up to 6v.
Does the RC-M4 handle a protected 18650 or only unprotected? Thanks!
I'm only using protected 18650s, tried TrustFire, UltraFire, Tenergy. All do fit.