Which keychain light?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2010
I currently have the maglite solitaire which will be promptly retired once it is replaced. I'm thinking about getting either the Streamlight 73001 or the Photon Freedom. Are those the best choices or is there something better? It has to be no larger than my solitaire and definitely brighter. Thank you
Fenix LD01..85 lumens..At least 10X brighter than your solitaire :p
I currently have the maglite solitaire which will be promptly retired once it is replaced. I'm thinking about getting either the Streamlight 73001 or the Photon Freedom. Are those the best choices or is there something better? It has to be no larger than my solitaire and definitely brighter. Thank you


1.Lummi Wee or Raw
2.Modamag Drake(personally own) or Draco
3. TiFli
4. Quark Mini
and more

check out this for starters here. and here.

enjoy your search:)
I just watched a video review of the LD01 and it looks awesome. Is this the best keychain light I can get?
its exactly like KTS said...it would be 10x better than your solitaire. to borrow a quote from someones sig " a match would have better runtime and brightness compared to a solitaire" (paraphrasing)
I'm only interested in a AAA light so I guess its between the LD01 and the iTP A3 Eos. I'm not sure which one to go with. Any input?
I think I'll go with the LD01 unless anybody has any objections. It looks plenty bright and about the same size as my solitaire.
I'm hijacking a post of mine from another recent thread in these forums.


I have Photon Freedom that I always used to have on the keychain but the battery died and it hasn't been worth it to get new ones since I have a ton of the ones I have in the link.

Outside of that I would say a Fenix LOD..

Not sure but I'm thinking the Fenix LD01 is the same as a LOD..........
The Eos A3 is shorter, has a lower low, about the same max output, and is cheaper. Either one is likely to serve you well, but my choice, and the one I EDC, is the Eos.

Well I recently made this very same decision, and my ITP A3 EOS in stainless steel arrived yesterday!

I chose this over the LD01 mainly because it is smaller. I think it is the smallest AAA there is. Also seemed like better value. I got a SS version for less money than the AL Fenix, and you could even get a Titanium version of the EOS for less too.

I chose SS as I think Titanium can scuff more easily.

Very impressed with it. Nice easy UI, three useful settings, seems like a nice quality item, great value.

The clip is trash and the keyring is cheap too, both removed immediately. Light itself seems solid.

BTW, I am Fenix fan, and don't normally opt for the cheaper option, but in this case they just appear to be beaten.
I really like my EZCR2w on my keychains. One of the best keychainlights in my opinion.

I think I'll go with the LD01 unless anybody has any objections. It looks plenty bright and about the same size as my solitaire.

I don't have one, but in my opinion the ITP is better value and smaller. On the upside of the fenix, it can tailstand.
+1 on ITP A3.
I've got one in TI.
Whatever you choose, get it in TI or SS.
Anodizing starts to wear of in couple of months.
You can always polish TI or SS if the small scratches start to bother you.
Another vote for the ITP A3,brill little light and your saving means you can put it toward your next purchase.
A3 w/ lithium AAA is lighter than the Fenix. Smaller/lighter is better for keychain duty. My A3 replaced my Fenix. Plus, I like the knurling better on the A3 as well.
A3 w/ lithium AAA is lighter than the Fenix. Smaller/lighter is better for keychain duty. My A3 replaced my Fenix. Plus, I like the knurling better on the A3 as well.
i picked up an ldo1 a couple weeks ago. can't believe how light it is using lithium batteries.

it's also already has some scratches on it, but i knew it was going to get beatup so it's not an issue. However looking back i with i would of looked at titanium lights.

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