Which settings to charge a 14500?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 31, 2007
I have an RC car charger that does lipo batteries, I assume it can charge a single AA lithium if I use a C clamp or devise a method of connection. Can anyone tell me what settings to put the charger on? I would guess just to use the lowest output. This is the one I have if that helps at all:


Thanks for the help folks! lovecpf
Hi 4EN. Assuming your 14500 cell is a LiCo, the maximum charge rate that you would use, would be 1C, or in the case of a 700mAh cell, 700mA. Personally, I like to be a bit easier on my cells and usually charge them at 0.5C, which would be 350mA in this case. Of course most hobby changer's rates are stepped in 100mA increments, so I go for 400mA, in this case.

Slower rates not only extend cell life considerably, but result in a more fully charged cell, as well. To get the most charge into a cell with a hobby charger, you would charge them at the slowest rate suitable for the cell (generally, no lower than 0.1C). For a 700mAh 14500, 100mA would work out well.

LiCo cells of 18650 size and larger, often have a maximum recommended charge rate of 0.8C, or less. So, you may want to check the manufacturer's recommended charge rate for your specific cell, when charging cells this size or larger.

LiCo= Lithium Cobalt oxide. Also, recently these are being labeled as "ICR", where, I believe "I'= lithium ion, "C"= lithium cobalt, and "R"= rechargeable, if I'm not mistaken.

You may want to consider that TrustFire and most of the other cheap outfits label their cells with bogus capacities such as the "900mAh" on those cells, when figuring a proper charge rate. Likely, they are 600-700mAh in reality. I don't believe there are any 14500 cells with much more than 700mAh capacity, in the real world.:)

Ok. I figure those AW that I hear are so good are labeled more correctly in respect to their true capacity. I was wondering why they appeared on paper to have less capacity and were over twice the price. Thanks for all your help sir! Cheers, H.g.
Unless I'm in a hurry, I like to charge fairly slowly. I usually charge my Trustfire 14500's at .3 A or 300 mA. That seems to work fairly well and gets a good amount of charge into them.

I usually charge my Trustfire 2400 mAh 18650's at .6 A or 600 mA.
I have an RC car charger that does lipo batteries, I assume it can charge a single AA lithium if I use a C clamp or devise a method of connection. Can anyone tell me what settings to put the charger on?

Get some small neo magnets, put magnets on each end of the 14500 cell and then attach the alligator clips to the magnets. Set the charger to LiPo, 0.3A, 1 cell. It should work fine.
Thanks everyone for the advice. My first 14500s coming in the mail soon for my D10. Looking forward to trying these out!

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