I am looking to wire the two rooms where I keep my stuff with a DIY home alarm with an auto dialer. Any ideas on what brand actuall works? I would prefer wireless that has a battery back up on the auto dialer. I want it to dial fast so the BG wont smash the unit before it does. I would like to mount the unit behind another door so it would be good if it can trasnmit through walls. Does brinks, adt, GE make a DIY quality unit? A smoke detector alarm would be nice also. I would prefer the auto dialer to say my address.
What motion detectors work? Would like to hide one in my house down stairs. Found this one with a strobe light
Also looking for an affordable CCTV sytem. that records sound and is wireless. I will hook it up to a vcr in my house and let it reccord.
What motion detectors work? Would like to hide one in my house down stairs. Found this one with a strobe light
Also looking for an affordable CCTV sytem. that records sound and is wireless. I will hook it up to a vcr in my house and let it reccord.