Which strobe light motion detector and DIY security system?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2009
I am looking to wire the two rooms where I keep my stuff with a DIY home alarm with an auto dialer. Any ideas on what brand actuall works? I would prefer wireless that has a battery back up on the auto dialer. I want it to dial fast so the BG wont smash the unit before it does. I would like to mount the unit behind another door so it would be good if it can trasnmit through walls. Does brinks, adt, GE make a DIY quality unit? A smoke detector alarm would be nice also. I would prefer the auto dialer to say my address.

What motion detectors work? Would like to hide one in my house down stairs. Found this one with a strobe light

Also looking for an affordable CCTV sytem. that records sound and is wireless. I will hook it up to a vcr in my house and let it reccord.


Whats the difference between infered and regular motion detctors?

Probably the same thing.

How do the pet immune sensors not pick up a dog but still pick up a person?
They may be aimed to not see the floor or designed to not respond to anything small.

michael b

When you install a DIY home security system, can you have a company like ADT do the monitoring? I think if I can install this myself I may be able to save a chunk of change.

They don't make any money off the install. The money is in the monitoring contract.

my main concern is the detached garage which holds all my toys.

Instead of spending X $ per month forever, why not spend a weekend hardening the garage?
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Not sure why this thread has popped up in General Flashlight Discussions... I'll move it to Fixed Lighting.

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