which surefire for general EDC? L1 vs. L4 vs. E2DL

which surefire for EDC?

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Oct 17, 2007
I finally saved enough money for my next Surefire after G2 and 6P with LED drop-ins.:broke:

Am considering L1 versus new L4 and the E2DL. :confused: I find the Backup too small. I now work in an typical office and the light is more likely to be carried than used.

Thanks in advance! :twothumbs
I voted L1 because it is a great light and I like mine, but I think the E2DL is a great light, just that I think the E2L is a better EDC with a lower low and with low coming on first.
The L1 isn't the most powerfull, smallest or longest running flashlight out there. But it's got the best UI ever for EDC duties! A very balanced and easy to use flashlight, truly a classic. My vote without a doubt!
I don't own an L4 so cant comment on that.

However, between the L1 and E2DL: In my opinion, for a true pocket carry EDC I would recommend the L1. Its smaller and doesn't have the pain in the *** crenelations of the E2DL.

With that said - if you hate twisty switches then go for the E2DL.

Or, if your E1B is too small - why not just add the Z68 tail to make it MUCH more usable...? I hated the stock tail on the E1B - now with a Z68 it is one of my favorites. It would be the most conducive to pocket carry.

Also keep in mind if you can hold out until this summer, Surefire is HOPEFULLY going to release an update L1 - the LX1. But who knows...
The L1's UI means that regardless of the output of the L4(A) and E2DL I feel the L1 is far superior in terms of use and operation. I'm not a fan of clickie switches, and find the dual output clickie UI to be annoying. The L1's two-stage push button pressure switch UI is just so simple, easy and effective.

The crenelated TailCap and bezel of the E2DL are a pain in carry and use. I'd use an L4(A) over an E2DL even though I prefer the E2DL's beam.

I EDC an L4 every day at work, but not usually on days off. I really like it. I think I'll try to replace it (as well as replacing my Inova X5 that backs up the L4) with my E2DL and my E2L backing it up. I just need to find a double holster that will hold both of them, bezel up, with flaps to cover the lenses.

Last summer I EDC'd an L1 on a lanyard around my neck while working at the drive-in. Worked out really well. I think the L1 lost it's place as my "around the neck EDC" to the E1L, though. It's smaller, brighter, and has a longer runtime.

All of them can work really well as an EDC, it just depends on how you want to carry it.
Adding an F04 diffuser to an E2DL makes it a whole different light. Fits snugly - won't just fall off. Gives a wonderful floody beam like an L4. Use mine all the time on low (5 lumens). Pop the diffuser off and of course you have a great thrower with the TIR optic. Diffuser covers those nasty pocket-ripping teeth up as well. I carry mine with the F04 installed all the time.

I really like(d) my E2DL but I did find it a pain to carry and use because of the tailcap. I do really like the brightness though.

I really can't comment on the new L4 although I'd love to try one just to see the beam in person. The downside of the L4 is there is no low level option, your always running full blast.

I voted for the L1. It's a light I got recently and can't put it down. Love the UI and the size is about perfect for my hand(s).

Although you didn't list it as an option I'm really impressed with the E2L. 60+ lumens on high for almost 6 hours and a 3 lumen low. Your batteries will last a long time and 60 lumens is plenty for most tasks. I also have the older single level E2L that runs 9 hours @ 45 lumens. Very nice as well.

I have to agree with Al that I too also like the UI of the L1 better than the UI of the E2DL and the E2L. There is another option "coming soon" :D The LX2. 120 lumens high, 15 lumens low, same UI as the L1.

It's a hard call. Just realize that the L1 is smaller that the E2DL and E2L, even though it's bigger that the E1B:

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Adding an F04 diffuser to an E2DL makes it a whole different light... Diffuser covers those nasty pocket-ripping teeth up as well

Thanks for all the replies and taking the time out to answer the poll.lovecpf

I finally bit the bullet and bought an E2DL. :broke: I did not get the diffuser though and retrofitted a 2AA Maglite rubber bezel to cover the teeth aka crenellations. Fit is tight and does not fall off. :thumbsup:

It has now replaced my relatively new Fenix LD20 (previously Fenix P3D Q5) I have carried as pocket EDC for a record 1 week. :rolleyes: The Fenix will move into my bag as backup (can't beat AA for availability).

Thanks again for all the info! :twothumbs Till the next light bug bites again...:popcorn:
I have an F04 diffuser too but I have (and voted for) the L1. It fits great and accomplishes the same thing as it would on the E2DL, I'm sure. It fits perfect with zero danger of it coming off. I just didn't want you to get the impression the F04 was only for the E2DL.