These would be for four of the .5 watt RR headlamps. Same brightness would be fine, just can't stand the purple-blue color. I just want to solder in some white leds with no other modifications.
I'm not sure which style LED is in these lights as I don't own any. I was just going to say that every .5 watt LED I have seen has had a substantial blue tint. I have never seen a pure white one.
The .5W Nuwai torches have 5mm LEDs. Do not know what the headlamps use.
Take a look at the pictures on this link. The 5mm has a clear case with the wires going out back. The Luxeons have an opaque case with wires comming out the side.
To replace 5mm .5W you can get the MJLED, SMJLED, or THC LED.
The MJLED & SMJLED come in both uncut and cutdown versions. The uncut version produces a wide 30 degree flood (not very bright). The cutdown versions works better with reflectors providing a much more intense hotspot. The MJLED is whiter. The SMJLED is brighter but a little on the cool white side but nowhere as bad as the angry blue of Nichia or the ugly purple of the Nuwais.