white and amber lambertian LSes...

Lux Luthor

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2000
I'll answer what I can. According to an older thread, the white ones (and all the other colors) will come out early next year. The batwing refers to the intensity profile. If you graph the intensity vs. angle from center the curve looks like spread bat wings (actually it looks like a man lifting a cape past his head). That is, it's dimmer at the center, intensifies as you go out, then drops off. The Lambertian profiles have a smoother roll off as you go out from center. I think they're supposed to be brighter overall. The pure star models (no "c" or "o") have no optics and just have a different PCB to allow for them to be connected together in hexagonal fashion.


Mar 25, 2001
Northern Virginia
i've done a few searches but didn't find anything, so...

this supplier, Mark Hannah Surplus Electronics, is selling lambertian LSes and seems to have some in stock, but i had a few questions before i ordered one or two...

is there a white lambertian in the works?...is the arc-ls using the amber lambertian? (for a color comparison)...i seem to prefer the stark high-kelvin white to the yellowish incandescant wanna-be amber (if that is, in fact, what it is...i've only really looked at the arc-ls' beam comparisons)...if they are different products when are the whites scheduled to hit the end-users?...

what voltage/mA they gonna use?...

'batwing' refers to the older die-sets, right?...

check out the flood light, it looks kinda cool...and what's up with the star pattern one?...just a different pcb?...

p.s. i looked at telephoney's (er, stigimon's) site, but didn't see any realitevly late info, it all seemed to be on older LSes...