Newly Enlightened
from the old 3 flat sided E series body and the older 4 flat side A2s to the more 'rounded' bodies? I actually like the older ones better because I think they give a better grip and are more esthetically pleasing.
Was just another opportunity to charge way too much for mediocore products. And to bring them out way after the curve.
Was just another opportunity to charge way too much for mediocore products. And to bring them out way after the curve.
I suggest that where SureFire could be considered 'slow' is releasing new technologies to their retail arm. The products they release to the public are produced in significant quantities - finding time in the schedules to get new products to retail market is (imho) a significant hurdle for SureFire. With a large Dealer network it is important not to overwhelm them with change after change after change as the consumer market gets confused and turned off by this.SF is often slow on the uptake of new technologies
Because it's cheaper to make a round body and really who cares..