Why do i want a new Cree-based SureFire?


Nov 19, 2005
Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, Earth, USA, New England
For some strange reason, I have the urge for a new Cree based SureFire light, either the E1L or the L1, however I *already* have.....

A second-gen L1, the TIR model (with F04 Beamshaper) that has far better runtime on low (1.1 lumens for 90 hours) and a decently usable regular level (22 lumens), I'd be losing the superior runtime of the 2G L1 to gain better high-mode brightness and a (IIRC) marginally better beam profile (no square hotspot) since I prefer runtime over brightness, the new L1 is an illogical choice for me, I'd only be doing it because of the "Cree Craze"

A modified E1L-SR, it's a E1e body, with a Seoul P4'ed, McR-20S reflectored KL-1 head and a McTC clicky shrouded tailcap that protects the clicky from accidental activation, and allows tailstanding, the Seoul puts out a nice, warm white light, very close to incan color balance, and it's got a nice, balanced hotspot/spill thanks to the reflector, and it's cranking out about 90 lumens, *AND* can run on RCR123a's for Guilt-Free-Lumens

The E1L-Cree has the narrower TIR optic beam, is dimmer (30 lumens), cannot tailstand, and cannot use RCR123a's, the KX-1 head could not be used on my Vital Gear 2-cell body either, wheras the modded KL-1 can.

the only advantage the E1L-Cree has over the E1L-SR is runtime, once again, my current light is superior, and is using a Cree-based die anyway, once again, purchasing an E1L-Cree would be illogical, and only done because I *want* a Cree-based SF

And then there's my Aviatrixed A2 Aviator (White/Red), which has a night-vision preserving, battery-sipping red low beam, a nice mid-level white/red beam for general use, and of course the wonderful regulated Incan beam to boot for when I need to "reach out and touch"

there's no *logical* reason for me to purchase either a E1L, E2L *or* L1, my current EDC's are not only more than sufficient, but are actually *superior* for my uses.... so why, (aside from the reason that I'm a hopelessly addicted Flashaholic) do I *WANT* a new SF Cree?, after all, I know exactly what will happen with it, I'll buy one, play with it for a few weeks until the "newness" wears off, then it'll sit in the Box-O-Lites, gathering dust, to occasionally be taken out and played with, there's no compelling reason for me to get a new Cree SF

....but darnit, I *want* one, the only question is can I resist?.....
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I doubt you'll be able to hold out much longer, maybe a week or two at most until you give in :D

I'm drawn to the new SF L1 too. I already have the previous gen E1L, and a 1st gen L1 and A2 (as well as a bunch of SF incans). The better output and efficiency of the new Cree L1 compared to my early one (serial# A00130) is attractive to me, and I'll probably give in eventually too, although I've been building up a resistance to flashaholism compared to my early days here, so I may be able to hold out a little longer.
The light you really want is the E2L. With its excellent 9 hour runtime at 100% and some absurdly long diminishing tail, this light truly screams utility.
Now that the new REBEL is out, I will have second thoughts on the SF Crees.

While you are having second thoughts about the SF Crees, Carrot and I will be enjoying our new Cree E2Ls, running cool and bright for obscenely long periods of time in between battery changes and no reported problems. :twothumbs

Well, I would suggest just holding out till the rebels come out, then you could decide if you really wanted a cree. Or, just wait a little bit till the big flood of OMG NEW EMITTER!!!!!!! people start sitting back a little bit, and then bite on it, the kinks will be ironed out and you can decide if you really want it. Speaking of which, I don't think that the rebel's gonna have much impact (least not on me) because if I get something after really thinking it over and such, and if it fits my function and purpose great right now, I don't think it will be much problem in the future, as technology is always advancing and something you get now will undoubtetly be obsolete in several months, judging by how much the LED's and stuff are advancing.

Sorry if that was too much of a rant but it's kind of been what I've been thinking.
Y'know, I love SureFires, really I do, I just wish they weren't so bloody expensive so I could afford more, I really can't go out once a week and buy a new SF, no matter how much I'd want to.

so when it's time for a new SF, it either has to be a killer deal (like Spyder Tactical's clearance), or do something my existing arsenal doesn't, right now i'm not seeing anything groundbreaking from the new Cree SF's, sure they're nice and i'd *love* to own one (oh frell, lets be honest here, i'd like to own *a few* Cree SF's ;) ) but there's nothing the E1L, E2L or L1 do that i haven't already got

so i think i may just go to my LFS (Local Flashlight Shop) and pick up another Inova light, they're right up there with SF in fit-and-finish, and they're a heck of a lot more affordable

oh i know i'll eventually pick up a Cree SF, but there's no urgent *need* right now, just a really strong *want*
Don't forget form factor. The new L1's are shorter than the previous models and fits into the hand perfectly. More EDC-able since it's smaller, too.
I am in the same boat - I want an L1-Cree but do not need one. Like you I have a G2 L1 and really do think that the higher output low is actually a bad thing for the new model.

I have several high output LEDs and a few Fenix CREE's so it can not just be a craving for CREE. My U2 will still blow away the G3 L1 on high but not with the same form factor but I bet my P1D-CE is not far off the L1.

Maybe, it's the desire for a new toy - you know the one all the other kids/ I mean flashaholics/ are talking about ?
Your thread says it all.

It is a SureFire with a CREE in it. :D

Love my L1 and the E1L. Might get the E2L to round things out.
Last thursday I received my new Cree E2L. This is my first SureFire light and I had high expectations for it! Since then, I played a lot with it just to see the feeling it gives. carrot gave a good point about the 9h regulation! This fact and the fact it can accept some sort of rechargeables made me jump on this one. Yesterday I tried it a lot at night and to me it throws as much as the Fenix L2D on TURBO! The spill is just dimmer but is bright enough to be useful at close range while it throws far away. A great utility light. I love it!
It's a Cree-based Surefire!! What more could you want. I'll be buying a new L1 soon. Not because I need one, but because I want one!! :twothumbs
SF+Cree= must own!! What more do we need to say?:rolleyes::rolleyes::thumbsup:
I am going to wait a while before buying a Cree Surefire.
Think they still have a few bugs to iron out and I do not want to be a guinea pig.
Thus far, the Cree E1L and E2L have no known bugs. In fact, I will go so far as to claim the Cree E2L to be one of Surefire's best offerings, and probably one of the greatest single-stage lights in existance.
Thus far, the Cree E1L and E2L have no known bugs. In fact, I will go so far as to claim the Cree E2L to be one of Surefire's best offerings, and probably one of the greatest single-stage lights in existance.

having hindsight 20/20. I think I should have gotten the E2L. :shrug:

I have a KL1 that CM swapped the LED from the original Luxeon to a SSC P4. The light is freaking insane. uber bright, has good regulation, useful spill with little wasted light and get this, runs on 3v-9v. :nana:
You should have done this therapy before you buy your first FLASHLIGHT.

Everytime you are itching for a new light , cut a finger per light. By the time you got your 10th light , you wont be able to confirm/send that next order online.... :p

For some strange reason, I have the urge for a new Cree based SureFire light, either the E1L or the L1, however I *already* have.....

A second-gen L1, the TIR model (with F04 Beamshaper) that has far better runtime on low (1.1 lumens for 90 hours) and a decently usable regular level (22 lumens), I'd be losing the superior runtime of the 2G L1 to gain better high-mode brightness and a (IIRC) marginally better beam profile (no square hotspot) since I prefer runtime over brightness, the new L1 is an illogical choice for me, I'd only be doing it because of the "Cree Craze"

A modified E1L-SR, it's a E1e body, with a Seoul P4'ed, McR-20S reflectored KL-1 head and a McTC clicky shrouded tailcap that protects the clicky from accidental activation, and allows tailstanding, the Seoul puts out a nice, warm white light, very close to incan color balance, and it's got a nice, balanced hotspot/spill thanks to the reflector, and it's cranking out about 90 lumens, *AND* can run on RCR123a's for Guilt-Free-Lumens

The E1L-Cree has the narrower TIR optic beam, is dimmer (30 lumens), cannot tailstand, and cannot use RCR123a's, the KX-1 head could not be used on my Vital Gear 2-cell body either, wheras the modded KL-1 can.

the only advantage the E1L-Cree has over the E1L-SR is runtime, once again, my current light is superior, and is using a Cree-based die anyway, once again, purchasing an E1L-Cree would be illogical, and only done because I *want* a Cree-based SF

And then there's my Aviatrixed A2 Aviator (White/Red), which has a night-vision preserving, battery-sipping red low beam, a nice mid-level white/red beam for general use, and of course the wonderful regulated Incan beam to boot for when I need to "reach out and touch"

there's no *logical* reason for me to purchase either a E1L, E2L *or* L1, my current EDC's are not only more than sufficient, but are actually *superior* for my uses.... so why, (aside from the reason that I'm a hopelessly addicted Flashaholic) do I *WANT* a new SF Cree?, after all, I know exactly what will happen with it, I'll buy one, play with it for a few weeks until the "newness" wears off, then it'll sit in the Box-O-Lites, gathering dust, to occasionally be taken out and played with, there's no compelling reason for me to get a new Cree SF

....but darnit, I *want* one, the only question is can I resist?.....
Thus far, the Cree E1L and E2L have no known bugs. In fact, I will go so far as to claim the Cree E2L to be one of Surefire's best offerings, and probably one of the greatest single-stage lights in existance.

No personal experience with either of these lights, but from what I've read I tend to agree. I'll be looking closely at the reviews once theese lights become a bit more widespread. The interesting question is how well these lights will work with Don's two stage tailcaps, sadly out of production now. That would make them even more interesting and save me the hassle of having to find someone to mod my KL1 heads.

...The interesting question is how well these lights will work with Don's two stage tailcaps, sadly out of production now. ...

If you want a 2-stage tail switch for the Cree Surefire E2L, consider this. You can buy an Arc AAA-P or Peak Matterhorn for about the same price as a special switch. These 1-AAA lights are so tiny you won't feel it in your pocket. With the Cree E2L and a 1-AAA, you have 2 lights of vastly different levels which operate independently and boast multi-hour runtimes.