I'm the kind of green guy that just doesn't like to throw something that may be still good away. I hate to see all the "use once then throw away" stuff that is available today. That's just crazy! I started using NiMH with my Mp3 player with which I was eating an AA cell within two days. I've always been satisfied since then. Then I started to buy a few Fenix AA lights, with better runtime on NiMH, etc! I try to run the as many thing as possible with rechargeables! But I still always keep a large box of alkaline cells for devices that draw not much power like remote control, cordless mouse (1 year+ advertized lifespan on 1 set of alkaline), telephone ring (last set lasted 1 year), my Arc AAA-P and my girlfriend's Fenix E0 (batteries last over 6 months in those), and also in my Mag-LED 2D (over 100h useful battery life on 2D alkalines). Even with all those devices powered by alkalines, I don't know if I will use all my 12 AA box before the expiration date!
Recently I bought three lithium powered lights that may change things. SureFire E2L, Wolf-Eyes Defender II and SureFire G2L. I first bought the E2L because I knew it would run on some sort of rechargeables even if the runtime was less. But... I had it for over a month now, used it a lot at home and when camping and I EDC it almost everyday and I'm still on the first set of batteries and no drop of output yet. Thanks to the 9h flat regulation of this light + long advertised moon mode! Yet I'm not sure if I will ever get rechargeables for this one... With it, I got 16 spare CR123A batteries and I'm sure I have a supply for a long time. I also got the Wolf-Eyes light because it looked nice, was using 18650 rechargeables Li-Ion and also CR123A, and it has two levels. For this one I got rechargeable cells and I will use it mainly with them. But I still can use CR123A for backup purpose and the low level gives a long battery life on primaries (50h). More, this light runs better under regulation, on high, with rechargeable. If we take care of the low self-discharge of Li-Ion and the advantage using them, no reason to use this light only on primaries. Finally, I bought the G2L. 12h advertized runtime on 2 CR123A. I also heard it can accept 17670 cells, with probably a good runtime but this light will stay in car for backup purpose. Again, no rechargeable in this light.
What I found interesting also with lithium primaries is the long shelf life. Around 10 years for CR123A and 15 years advertized for AA lithium. When my supply of alkaline AA gets low, I will probably replace some with AA lithium since I use them in lights that gain much more runtime using them. And if I only need to buy alkalines in low quantities, at least here in Canada, there isn't much more cost added in buying lithium batteries. Alkaline bought in a box of 12 AA cost around $11 CAD (almost 1$ per cell) and 4 Energizer lithium AA cost around $19 CAD (almost 5$ per cell). Since I can probably get the Energizer lithium for a much lower price over the Internet, there is an advantage using them. For example, my Fenix L2T has a 3 times as long total runtime on high with lithium, 4 times 1/2 better runtime under regulation. For the L2D-CE, almost 4 times better runtime on lithium on high, and on turbo, the light doesn't even regulate on alkaline! And runtime on NiMH matches almost the runtime on lithium! So with these lights, lithium backup and NiMH main use.