Will a U.V. Tritium vial do this?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 19, 2008
Ambler P.A.
Make a G.T.I.D. Tailcap glow?
And is it pretty strong, or no?
If so, where can i get At Least 10
in a 5mm long size?

Robert M.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think a UV tritium vial gives off any light that can be seen with the eye. I believe it just reacts to UV light like the other colors.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think a UV tritium vial gives off any light that can be seen with the eye. I believe it just reacts to UV light like the other colors.

I was wondering about that :thinking:
When i think "UV", i have U.V.
leds that are visible, and make
gtid caps glow like crazy!

Hmm, or maybe they have such a broad spectrum
of output that thay are visible? Dunnow how to shed
some "Light" on this one :shrug:
The UV given off by a vial is not enough to make the tailcap glow, you might see a little glow directly around the vial, but it will be minimal. :(

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