Will MAG upgrade to Cree or SSC?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts
hey Folks,

Does anyone thing Mag will stay with their LED offerings or upgrade to the new emitters we have seen in the past few months?

I gather the new LED's will help withthe heat management issue given the same drive level. Kinda a two bird with one stone deal IMHO

I agree as they are slow moving but I gague this as easier then making the Incaden jump, you know?

I hope they don't dog it... this could be awesome!

tebore said:
If it took them this long to get the current offerings out I wouldn't could on them using anything other than Luxeons for a while.
Perhaps they will be the one that gets the newly announced Lumileds LED in the first quarter of 2007. If any flashlight manufacturer has the stroke, it would be Maglite.
If Mag does upgrade to anything it'll probibly be a Lux K2... look for their "new" K2 5-watt lights in 2009!
I think other manufactures like Terralux will come out with an alternative replacement dropin. There are already some K2 drop in bulbs available on the market
Manzerick said:
hey Folks,

Does anyone thing Mag will stay with their LED offerings or upgrade to the new emitters we have seen in the past few months?


I think that they will stick with the design that they have now, especially if it is a really good seller. Most people probably buy the Mag LED because it is something new.
I think other manufactures like Terralux will come out with an alternative replacement dropin. There are already some K2 drop in bulbs available on the market

Yup. I bet this year we will see a Cree drop in module for Mags...

Mag is a conservative company from what I can tell. Don't expect any new LED modules from them for at least 3 years. That's my feeling.
Come on guys it only took Mag a little over a year to come out with a LED light, and within a decade they will have new designs. So give them a little credit. As many people have mentioned they sell the most, so why change. If it ain't broke...why fix it.
I could be wrong but now that M@G has committed to LED technology they will not have a choice but to upgrade there products as LED technology progresses. The LED manufactures aren't going to keep manufacturing old technology to help M@G stay in the dark ages regardless of M@Gs intent to do so. M@Gs products will continue to improve even if it's to no credit to them selves. Who knows maybe M@G knew that the LEDs would continue to progress to the point to where there poorly engineered heat disbursement issues would be a none issue in just a few months.
Mag makes their money with long ter runs of an ACCEPTABLE design.

Not the best just good enough.

Since the current design has:

1. Already been designed (Non recurring engineering costs already spent)
2. Brighter than their old lights.
3. Longer run time than their old incan lights.

They will probably keep using the Lux III for quite a long time.

They MIGHT put an updated LUX in if it uses the same driver technology and is CHEAPER than the current one but that is about the only way.

The quality of the Mags for the price can't be beat. I just wish they would get some type of switch for the Minimags.