will my smart charger for D cell batterys work???


Mar 21, 2007
will my smart charger be ok for recharable NIMH D cell batterys if i use magnets?

it has a 0.9A or a 1.8A.
first it is a little bit important to indicate which one. different ones act different, are you talking about the 900?

then most of the AA things will not charge high capacity Ds because they have safe timers for the AAs which limits total charging current or time.
that is solved by recycling it back onto the charger, when your sure it has not yet reached a V-drop.

then the CONNECTION you make could make things go badly, in a range of terminating early (no big deal), or not terminating (bad news), the connections need to be very short and very connected, not bump around or faulter or have higher or changing resitance. so a Holder and short copper wire connection might be better than magnets, just depends on the magnets, are they strong neos, are they plated for excelent electrical conduction?

then the thermal probes, which are practically useless anyways, would not be next to the battery, so the thermal safety would not be in play for the cells.

then termination via a V-drop would need to occur, and the connection differences can slightly effect that, then you have to have enough current going in to get machine visable v-drop (if it is that type) which means you have enough power to blow the cells through the wall :D

so those are all the things to think about, work SURE you can make anything work.
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i think i have solved this, im putting a FM 34mm ext for an additional 1/2 D cell rechareable in my mag charger so i can increase the runtime and output, but i think i can still use the stock charging cradle!
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sorry! i edited my last post, i need to find were to buy a 1/2 D cell not a D cell!!!
you realise you cant use just ONE half D cell and other full Dcells in a series configuration without having problems when one cell in the series depleates, and the other cells drive that one into the ground. (reverse charge) which is one of the things that destroys cells the fastest.
but you certnally can fit a whole series load of 1/2Ds into a Dsized light, to get lots more voltage potential. or just always insure that the lower capacity cell never gets depleated, by stopping before it does.

i always gotta be the party pooper huh :) that is just in case you didnt know.

Batteryspace.com sells 1/2ds, and many robotics and rc locations do also.
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yea i'll be using them with my MC61 for more voltage!

thanks.....i can always rely on you guys for some good solid info!
