Will SSC P7 come out in a P60 drop-in?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2007
Do you think this will happen? Why or why not?

Possible issues:

1. Is heat sinking from module to light head/body any good?

2. Can drivers small enough for module provide enough current?

3. Direct drive off a single 18650 is adequate, but then people will put it in a light with 2 x CR123 and blow the emitter, so would anyone dare sell that?

4. Other stuff I'm too ignorant to think of...
It would be nice and floody, but there is definitely enough reflector area to make it work. There's a TIR optic on LiteMania's site right now.
The biggest problem is heat in a P60. There are 18650 only dropins right now so I don't think we need to worry about the dim who can't follow directions. I'd like to see a nice driver delivering over 2 amps. I can't wait to see what Dereelight has come up with.