will the SF A2 replace the E2e?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2002
greetings and salutations to all. I am new here and have been bit HARD by the bug. I want everything.....ok....well I can't afford everything but I want to make sure I get off to a good start.

I currently have the brinkmann 2aa led light and a mag-light mini-mag in red.

I love the look of the Surefire lights. Will the new A2 be a "better" purchase than a E2e with the KL1 led attachement?

I am also looking at the Arc LS-2. I am sure you guys have good things to say about this little gem, so fire away.

Thanks in advance.
I'm waiting for the ARC LS2's to arrive and I love the SureFires! The E2e is one of my all time favorite lights!

Welcome to the board!

the a2 is much more expensive than the e2e.

the a2 has a bright bulb in the middle, with 3 surrounding nichias. the e2e has either a bulb or 1 luxeon star.

the 1 luxeon star is *much* brighter than the 3 nichias in the a2, but not as bright as the bulb in it.

i would highly recommend the arc ls2. i prefer arc's over surefires, and they are every bit as tough and more. they are also *much* smaller.

as to your title question...no. the e2e is probably surefires most popular light, and the a2 has gotten some flack for the very high price.
Ok so the A2 will have a brighter bulb than the e2e but the KL1 upgrade for the e2e will be brighter than the A2. Did I understand that correctly? If so then it would seem to be better to purchase an E2e with the KL1 upgrade instead of an A2.

I was on sf website a today and say this setup -- http://www.surefire.com/cgi-bin/main.pl?pgm=co_disp&func=displ&carfnbr=&prrfnbr= 837&sesent=0,0 The price is $285. What do you guys think of that combo? Can it be found or "put together" for cheaper? Be sure to click on the "CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE " so you can see what the package includes. I am not sure if it is the HA or even the lexan or pyrex lenses in that package. Anyone with insight please shed some light here.

I notice that some of you guys have converted a C2 to a M2...why?

Thanks again.
i don't know if the bulb in the a2 is brighter than than the hola available for the e2e, but i suppose it is possible.

if you want a bright light, with a dim light in one light, for a lotta $$$, get the a2. if you want a bright light or a bright led that is smaller, get the e2e.

i would personally get the e2e, i don't know a lot about the a2, but for the price, the e2e is a much better deal, and as i said before, surefires most popular light.
In my opinion, the A2 is designed with the professional in mind, someone who cannot afford the luxury of carrying multiple lights into the field.

For example, a millitary operator may require at times a low-light option in order to either preserve night vision, avoid detection, or simply because the intense output of an incandecent lamp is not required. In this situation, red LEDs would be the most practical, IMO.

For most, the A2 will serve as a space-saving luxury. For others, it may become an essential piece of equiptment.

It is likely that the E2/E2E will serve your purposes the best. However, if you are like some of us, you will simply not be able to resist the functionality and convenience that the A2 will bring.

Now all that I have to do is get past the price...
If for whatever reason, you are going to carry one light, the A2 is pretty hard to beat! If it's dark and you have adapted, the three Nichia LED's are enough light for tasks close at hand and your night vision isn't adversly effected.

If you need to illuminate something at a distance, push the button in abit more and you have 60 lumens of focused light directed in an ideal beam for this level of lumination. This is a very useful light for those who want to work with the night and not try to obliterate it.

The level of sophistication in design and function of this light yields a combination tool that doesn't sacrifice on function of either mode nor is it a compromise on either illumination source. I'd put the 3 LED up against any 3 LED light in terms of beam quality. The 60 lumen incandescent, being regulated with near constant voltage, is in a superior class all of its own.

The above is my humble opinion and I'm sticking to it

- Don
Well, at least for me the A2 will be replacing my E2. Why? Digital regulation and the possibility of using rechargeable 123's. The 3 LEDs are nice too when 60 lumens is overkill.

I would recommend the LS2 also.

The E2e w/KL1 is great but you can only have one light at a time.

My suggestion is to spend big and get the LS2 for your LED light and either the E2e or A2 for your incandescent light.
This is Nascar,

I believe the incandescent bulb slated to come with the A2 is 60 Lumens. (they have tested Lower and Higher I think). Anyway, the output then would be likely the same as the E2. However as the batteries loose charge I assume that the A2 will continue with the same temperature of light wheras the E2 will yellow some and luminous output drop a bit? I would guess that with a set of batteries a half hour old, the A2 should show better beam intensity. I suspect that once these A2's are in the hands of those who can do such tests, a better picture will be available.

- Don
For the house I would decide what kind of light you want (LED or incan.) I like the PT Surge for the house/car. It's brighter than the E2e and runs longer (3+ hours) on 8 AA batteries.

If you want a cheap lithium light the Brinkman Legend LX is nice, $20 at Wal-Mart and includes 2 lithium 123's. It's slightly brighter than the E2e but with an hour runtime. Lithiums have a 10 year shelf life so they make great (but short running) emergency lights. For long running emergency lights for around the house the Brinkmann long life LED or Dorcy Cool Blue work great and run for days on AA's.
Sean, Good thing is I already have the Brinkmann long life LED and you are right it runs for a very long time. If it becomes a financial issue I am probably going to go to walmart and see if I can find that brinkmann LX for $20.

Thanks again guys... I guess I will wait until the reviews come out and someone gets their A2 so appropriate real-life comparos can be made as to which is "more effective" tool.

As for now. I just need to find the cheapest place for the Arc LS-2. Does the Texas Tactile Light (or whatever you guys call it...TTL) give discounts to forum members?
I'll go out on a limb a bit and say that although it will take some time, the dual lighting of the A2 will become the standard design in the future. the design will probably go into brighter lights, eliminating the need to carry two lights when camping, hiking, hunting, etc. Kind of like low and high beams on cars.
The idea of carrying one light with a HIGH beam and a low beam built in is really appealing!

Although...I just can't see myself ever feeling right about the cost of the A2.

My "practical alternative"
is the Brinkmann LX + the PT Attitude carried together.

What makes this work IMHO is that the Attitude is so small, light, compact and easy to carry while still creating a quite useful flood of white light...plus, works fine with NiMH or Alkaline!

My "extra practical alternative"
is the Attitude plus a UK 4AA AS2 for spot lighting objects of interest when desired. The UK is slim enough to be carried in a pocket and the switch makes it "oh so easy" to click on either momentary or "stay on". I run'em both on NiMH and use them both every day.

I recharge the 4 NiMH AAAs from the Attitude once/week and it is always bright!

One extra bonus of this dual carry (outside of HUGELY lower cost)...you've got two lights. If one ever fails for any reason at all, you're really covered...never in the dark!

BTW...there is mention of "purse lights" earlier. The Attitude or Rage make really great lights for this use. I don't hardly see how you can beat'em for this usage.
Thanks for the advice sean. as you can see from my other post I am considering the SF Presedential gift that has the e2/c2 combo plus some nice holders with extra lamps and batteries.


What I may end up doing is getting the LS2 for my every day carrier or EDC as I guess you guys call it. Then add the A2 as my backup/computer bag light. I already have the Vector 3mil spot for my truck. So what's left......lets see.....

I will then need 2 lights for the house (one up stairs and one downstairs/garage area). I was thinking rechargeables for the house but am not sure. What do you guys think? What models/brands would you recommend? Oh yeah, can't forget about my significant others purse. Gotta have something for her as well. Any ideas will be appreciated?

maybe I should pick up the combo gift set after all. ............. I am so confused.....so many choices and I haven't won the lottery yet.
you guys have got to help!!!!