Will this SSC P7 mod work?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 4, 2008
I'm looking to make an easy compact P7 light to run with an external battery for cycling use.

Here are the items:
Batteryspace 11.1V 4000mAH battery I already own

So here's the plan:
Install the driver into the flashlight body, removing whatever they have to regulate it (probably a resistor from what I've read). I'll drill a hole in the side of the flashlight to run a wire out to the battery. I assume the clicky will still work, but I might need to short it together if it was a 2 mode. I was also considering shortening the body of the flashlight, then putting new threads in order to make it even more compact. What do you all think? Just to verify, does the the high, mid, low setting on the driver have memory, so each time you turn it on-off-on it will just cycle? Will the driver fit in battery area of the flashlight? Other suggestions? Thanks.
Re: Will this DX/Kaidomain SSC P7 mod work?

I would personally stay away from any manufactured P7 lights. They never seem to have enough heatsinking or use crappy binned emitters and never have the advertised output.

If your going to do heavy modding like cutting and rethreading the body, I would just use a Mag. You can cut it down just past the switch, and wire the battery into that and run the wire out of the tailcap. The switch would still work like normal. Using a DHS sink, you'll get great sinking to the body/head. Also, with a LOP Kai reflector, you would have a great beam for ridding: nice and smooth with a wide angle output but still plenty of throw.

Plus you could pick and choose the best parts: best binned emitter, stippled aluminum reflector, glass lens, great heatsink, best driver.

When you buy something premade, you never really know what your getting.
Re: Will this DX/Kaidomain SSC P7 mod work?

I agree.
The mag light mod is quite easy and requires little in the way of tools.
Here is one I just did
Yours wouldnt have to be water proof just weather proof. If you find rethreading the tail cap to the shortened handle too hard then do as I did and cut out the switch section and add it to the cannister.
You could use a drink bottle for the cannister and it can sit in a drink holder.
Re: Will this DX/Kaidomain SSC P7 mod work?

So here's the plan:
Install the driver into the flashlight body, removing whatever they have to regulate it (probably a resistor from what I've read). I'll drill a hole in the side of the flashlight to run a wire out to the battery.

I did that, take a look:

Airflow cools it down easily. I could do just fine without that ugly cooling element I put on top just in case.
Re: Will this DX/Kaidomain SSC P7 mod work?

I did that, take a look:

Airflow cools it down easily. I could do just fine without that ugly cooling element I put on top just in case.

Any more close-up images?

Drewfus2101- I understand the better quality product I could end up with if I built it myself from a mag, or just from scratch. The machining is going to be done by a friend, and I wanted to keep this is simple as possible. Taking an existing light body, that's already got a copper slug for the LED, and just doing this small mod seems easy. I figured in about a year, when the newer bins rated to over 1000+ lumens hopefully come out, I can drop that in to upgrade. Ending up with actually something in the 600-700 range would be more than enough. For comparison, I've had reasonably good luck running single HID bike lights, which are supposed to be in the 500-700 lumen range. That's why this seemed like a good idea.

Also, if the flashlight body fits the 18650, it'll fit the driver from kaidomain right?
Re: Will this DX/Kaidomain SSC P7 mod work?

If you arn't convinced to do a Mag, at least do some research about the P7 light you are buying. Most reviews that I have seen are pretty bad.

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