Will we see a one cell CR123 P7 anytime soon?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2005
So what do you think?

A one cell CR123 P7 anytime soon, for EDC? I can always dream, but can't always spend big bucks.
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I think there will be maybe some kind of a floody CR123 P7 light but not at 2800mA. In a small CR123 there won't be the adequate heatsink for a P7 at 2800mA and the runtime would be very short.

but it vould be interesting to have the heat sink go down in the tube on a p6 and only leave room for one Imr cell ....neat hehe . builders step upp haha
Technology is always improving...just look back a few years and see what we had.

Take care.
It wouldn't make much sense both for thermal reasons and because of the limited power capacity of a cr123a.
I actually was thinking of a rcr 123 or one of those AW high discharge 123s. With a low and high output mode I think it would work (short bursts only on Supernova mode.)
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I would say that a ME-C would be a better choice instead of the P7 for a small light, and using the new IMR rechargeables you can already get this through Milky as custom work. Surefire takes forever in their testing of new lights...so I would imagine Fenix or Superfire/Ultrafire will be the first one's to mass market something similiar...
The CR123 battery would be pushed pretty hard if you want to drive the P7 at 2.8 amps.

There also isn't much heatsinking unless you what a larger then normal light.

If you drive the P7 at a more reasonable current, then it should work.
I already have an RCR123 powered P7 light. It's a mule with a custom LE by DatiLED. He made 10-15 of the LEs. Milkyspit has also made two AMP7s, which are P7s in the Mule body.