Will you EDC your Spy 007 ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2005
Paris, France
Just a simple question.

On one hand, the spy seem to be a true performer, extremely well thought yet very rugged. I won't go on with the list of all that makes the spy a superb flashlight to use.

On the other hand, are you willing to use, wear, dent or maybe scratch a 1K USD flashlight. Are you willing to take the risk to loose it or to have it stolen from you.

Let's see what you guys are going to do with your 007.

Pristine shelf queen or workhorse piece of equipment taking a beating in the field?
I might holster carry mine if I buy one. Ever since I recieved the light I made a short lanyard for it with a clip and I have worn it around my neck. I just clip it off when I need it.
WHEN I get one (not if!), it's gonna get USED! I'm not throwin' down my hard-earned money for something that I wouldn't use!

I find pocket-carrying the SPY 005 no problem, and don't see why this'll be any different - a little bit heavier, but that doesn't bother me.

:thumbsup: john
I don't own a SPY007, so I did not vote. But I do have a SPY005 that I will comment on. In my opinion, the SPY light is too practical to not EDC it. The cool user interface, the usefullness of the 6 power levels, the small form factor, the amount of light, the burn time, etc are just so practical and easy and fun. It is a shame not to use it every day.

I have been carrying my SPY005 EVERY day since the day I picked it up from Data's house.

I LOVE the SPY007 and would buy one in a minute, except that I cannot keep it on the shelf - I must EDC a SPY light and I just cannot bring myself to EDC a $1K flashlight. It is just too much risk in it getting lost or stolen. I have no doubt that the SPY007 could stand up to the workload of EDC.
It will definitely get used every night, but I won't carry it in the daytime. I'm already set for my EDC which has to be smaller and lighter to carry in my pockets at all times.
But when the sun goes down I can see this as being my new "go to" light for just about everything and it will definitely get to go on camping trips with me.
WHEN I get one (not if!), it's gonna get USED! I'm not throwin' down my hard-earned money for something that I wouldn't use!

I find pocket-carrying the SPY 005 no problem, and don't see why this'll be any different - a little bit heavier, but that doesn't bother me.

:thumbsup: john

+1 on all counts. My EDC is the most important light to me , so why shouldn't it be the best one I own.

Sure, I'll be gutted the first time I put a ding on it but I've got over it with my other lights and will do the same with this one.
I don't own a SPY007, so I did not vote. But I do have a SPY005 that I will comment on. In my opinion, the SPY light is too practical to not EDC it. The cool user interface, the usefullness of the 6 power levels, the small form factor, the amount of light, the burn time, etc are just so practical and easy and fun. It is a shame not to use it every day.

........I must EDC a SPY light and I just cannot bring myself to EDC a $1K flashlight. It is just too much risk in it getting lost or stolen. I have no doubt that the SPY007 could stand up to the workload of EDC.

As of a few minutes ago, I do own a Ti Spy-007 and use it.......

:rock:YEE-HAW!!!! :buddies:

...... I will for all the reasons Stan mentioned. :thumbsup: Mine cost me a buck or two more than $1k :tinfoil: but I aint complainin :grin2: cuz I really wanted this light sumpin fierce. :p Anyway, mine WILL be caried & used and of course end up with scratches & maybe some dings from Klumsy Kenster dropping it :ohgeez:but if (or when) it gets lookin kinda of a nasty type beat up :eeew: well :thinking:...... I know a krazy flashadude that is somewhat of a polishing nutcase. (*** see below) Don`t plan on trashin my Spy :eek: and since it is Titanium it will most likely take a while for me to go ahead with a spit shine :)caution: No real spit will be used! :sick2:) but I am kinda anxious to see what a polished Ti Spy-007 will look like! :eek:oo: Is Data gonna have any scratch & dent Ti Spy for sale? If so....... :sold: to (***) I hope?!?! ;)

*** Me :grin2:
I know it was worth the wait! And I was wondering if you were going to polish her up because you seem to have taken a bit a of a break from polishing, I cant wait to see your excellent polishing skills on a 007!! It will look awesome!!

And yes, I have EDCed my 007 since I recieved it, so far I have avoided the first drop/ding but I am sure that will come with enough use, I just cant leave home with out it!!! I thought about doing a polish job but found that my polished lights get left on a shelf not getting regular use and I dont want that happening to my 007, I must use it!!!!
luxlunatic, thank you my friend and Kenster is one HAPPY CAMPER!!! :buddies:

Like I stated, I have no plans at the moment to polish my Spy but I can see it happening in the future because this light IS going to be a user! :thumbsup: But... (header time :tinfoil:) ...... My Spy is going to change its look a little. :whistle: Gonna Kensterize it! :grin2: I suppose I will post some pics when it does??? :shrug: Or maybe not?? :nana:
I did ever EDC rare and expensive lights, after a LarryLight for a long time my EDC was a Titanium Lioncub, in my opinion the most practical light before the SPY appeared.
After the Cub a SPY005 became my EDC light because for me it has the best userinterface available for a variable brightness light. You can reach a SPY to anyone and he can use it at once intuitively without teaching him complicated UIs before.
I had the SPY in the coin pocket of my jeans and one day I lost it ...
So I should be anxious about EDCing the 007 but I will do, because it is the best light for every daily use I can imaging.
But - I will no longer just put it in my jeans but ordered one of these wonderful holsters and hope this time I will have more luck...

I do not get my Spy007 yet.

But i know, that i do not EDC this first Spy007.


Yes, i know, that i`m not normal. I do also not EDC my first Spy005 :crackup:

But i EDC my second Spy005, or was it the third :thinking:, or the...:thinking:

Oh all the same, theses Spy`s - 005 or 007 (?) - are one of

the useful lights

best lights

perfectly worked lights

i know and own.
So, looking forward now to get my first 007. Be sure, that this light will be at the g. cust... :dedhorse:
But o.K. thats law in germ... And so i have to accept this and waiting some more days to hold these beauty in my hands.

And i`m sure, that i will get another 007 in a few years. :D

And perhaps, i will find ArsMachina`s lost 007 in a few years near Frankfurt :)

Today is the second day I have carried the spy in my pocket. It fits nice next to my cell phone and it not noticeably heavy. The darn thing is so nice and it begs to be used...
I have been carrying mine every day since I got it nine days ago. It has been carried in a dedicated pocket, and has been seeing daily use. Pretty damned heavy in my suit pants, but I don't care. I freakin' love this thing.

Ken, what is your serial number? I'll add you to the Registry.
Havent put it down since I got it, its hasnt left my pocket. Already has surface scratches from coins and keys and knives riding in the same pocket.

Dont we like Ti since we dont have to baby it? I dont look at the Spy007 as a monetary investment, I do look at the Spy007 as a lifetime of use investment.

If people want to keep their Spy007 on a shelf or in a safe, thats their right. I'm sure it makes them just as happy as me when I pull it out of my pocket away from the 4 pennies a nickel and two quarters and a Atwood Crawdaddy and 4 keys, and flick it on. :D
Of course my SPY 007 will be handled very very carefully. It's a $1K for crying out loud.

I won't pocket carry it because it's way too heavy. But I have an Art of the Hide Holester on it's way, so it will ride on my belt.
If/when I get one, it will go into the EDC rotation along with my spy 005. I carry my spy around town, but unfortunately, due to the lack of a clip or neck lanyard attachment, I don't carry it camping or hiking. Maybe the rail setup on the 007 will take care of that.
Sorry to say that my 007 has prominent position on my shelf. It is like a fine piece of art.
Of course I always EDC a Raw Ti & Wee Ti. Have to its company policy...
The 007 tends to follow me about, keeps me company in the workshop during the day & then follows me indoors of an evening.
She's a Good looking companion who only needs a fondle & a flick of the knob now & then.
Perfect :thumbsup:
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