Wiring KD Product ID 1694

Black Rose

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2008
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I have a 3-mode circuit I bought from KD (Product ID 1694/ SKU: S003256 ) that came without the wires soldered to the circuit board.

All of the other boards I have purchased so far were already wired.

I believe I know where I am to solder, but want to confirm with someone that has already done this.

Here is picture of the board:

Does that look right?
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I ordered the same circuit and it's configured differently.

How long does yours have to be in a mode before memory is locked in? Mine is 2-3 seconds...
It takes 2-3 seconds as well.

That's the stock photo from KD. Mine is laid out the same, but the 7135 chips have different numbers on them.

Two are L7135 0704. The other is 7135 35H.

Is yours a blue board, like the "regular" 7135 circuits from KD & DX?
Another quality product from KD....NOT!!!!

Between the last test I performed with this board and now, it has lost it's multi-mode capability.

Now I have a single mode "3-mode" 7135 based driver :mad:
For anyone actually interested in this driver, the locations I circled on the above photo are correct.
I'm late to the party, as usual. Yes, those wiring connections are right. Positive is shared (you've circles the vias not the pad), while LED negative goes to the left pin of the AMC7135 - that's left while the pins are pointing toward you. Pity about the modes.

Are the centre pins not soldered? The track to the Vdd pin of the bottom left AMC7135 runs under the ground pin.