with a $100 budget...


Newly Enlightened
Apr 14, 2008
which flashlight could I get? I'm looking for one that gives off the farthest beam possible and not really worried about the width.
Dereelight DBS, Raidfire Spear or Lumapower MRV will throw. They are a little bit over $100 you should pick up one at the BST around that price.
Thanks guys. I really love the look of the Raidfire spear. Is the MRV better? Also what is the best deal you have seen on the Raidfire?

Thanks again,
Thanks guys. I really love the look of the Raidfire spear. Is the MRV better? Also what is the best deal you have seen on the Raidfire?
This comparison review should help:
Thrower review: DBS, Spear, MRV, Tiablo, Regal & clones: THROW, RUNTIMES, BEAMSHOTS!

I don't have one of the "digital" MRVs, but I understand from other reviews that there is a slight increase in max output (but nothing huge). Note too that the batteryjunction deal is for a Q2 Cree model.

The DBS and Raidfire are your best throwers, but all the lights are quite nice.
I would favor the DBS just because the i'm not a big fan of the Mushroom tailcap found in the Raidfire, i have big hands and i find it uneasy, the slope of it does not help on the grip either. The switch on my unit was faulty.
I'm going to ask you this ..... Why pay 'Brand Name' prices for a flashlight that will perform the same as the 'no name' brands?

I just bought 4 - 'Element Luxeon K2' flashlights for $60 at Sam's Club the other night. They are packaged 2 for $29.95! That is around $15 a light! :faint:

The Luxeon K2 flashlights put out around 150 Lumens at 4 watts, where as, most other 3 watt bulbs only throw an 80 lumen beam! I've compared them side by side, and I am sold. For the money you can't get a better light for the price for better than what the competition is selling. I use these lights at work every night, and I will continue to at this price.
which flashlight could I get? I'm looking for one that gives off the farthest beam possible and not really worried about the width.

Check out the MX Power 3-Cree light. Incredible throw!


Here is a beamshot in the park. The hotspot is about 150 feet from the camera.


And in this shot the far end of the hotspot is about 300 feet from the camera. That's some throw!


All this light for $42. Hard to beat.

And... for comparison, my Fenix P3D RB100, which many people consider to be a very good/bright light, doesn't even show any light on the grass in the 300 foot test. See for yourself...

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Just for fun, I'll ask any owners of the Dereelight DBS, Raidfire Spear or Lumapower MRV to post beamshots taken at 150 feet and 300 feet. That would make an interesting comparison to the MX Power.
I'm going to ask you this ..... Why pay 'Brand Name' prices for a flashlight that will perform the same as the 'no name' brands?

I just bought 4 - 'Element Luxeon K2' flashlights for $60 at Sam's Club the other night. They are packaged 2 for $29.95! That is around $15 a light! :faint:

The Luxeon K2 flashlights put out around 150 Lumens at 4 watts, where as, most other 3 watt bulbs only throw an 80 lumen beam! I've compared them side by side, and I am sold. For the money you can't get a better light for the price for better than what the competition is selling. I use these lights at work every night, and I will continue to at this price.

First of all... Welcome to the forum:twothumbs

Those Element lights represent a decently good value. For $15 each you can do a lot worse. Element and Dorcy are "sister" companies and they have a history of releasing near-identical products. There is a lengthy review of the Dorcy-version 3AAA light in the reviews section. So, you just so happened to pick one of the better value $15, in-store available lights. It won't do anywhere near 150 Lumens, ~80L is its real world output. Which isn't bad at all from AAA cells.

It comes down to assessing ones own value scale.
-How much light do you really need in order to be satisfied?
-How much light are you willing to pay for?
-How far do you need the light to throw?
-How important is color-tint?
-How smooth of a hot spot -to- flood transition do you need?
-Do you value an aluminum reflector?
-How durable of a finish-coating do you need?
-How durable overall does your light need to be?
-Do you need lifetime warranty parts-support and after-market parts support?
-Do you need waterproofing?
-How long to you plan on keeping/using your light? Its not uncommon for Surefire 6Ps to go on and on for 1.5-2 decades... they are that reliable and over-built.

These are some things off the top of my head that separate the higher end companies from the bottom dwellers. Many forum members are LEOs, GIs, SAR members, and firefighters. Peoples LIVES depend on how well these individuals see at night. This is a FAN-based forum... so naturally individuals are fanatical about flashlights:laughing:
Thanks for the welcome. :twothumbs

I will ask you this ..... what tests would you like for me to perform to show the 'Brand Loyal' groups that this light is as good as the other comparable models that cost a lot more? I see a lot of Brand Loyalty going on, and can't understand it.
Thanks for the welcome. :twothumbs

I will ask you this ..... what tests would you like for me to perform to show the 'Brand Loyal' groups that this light is as good as the other comparable models that cost a lot more? I see a lot of Brand Loyalty going on, and can't understand it.

Search youtube for the Fenix T1 torture tests, freezing, burning, boiling water, BBQ...etc... Mardukes "will it crush?" series comes to mind off the top of my head. BTW... I can't honestly promote anyone to intentionally abuse their beloved light... so do so at your own risk, and please do post your findings / results.

Mount it on an assult rifle, unload a few clips, full-auto and see how the light handles the recoil impact.

FWIW... I have the older Dorcy 3AAA / aspheric which is the predecessor to that light. I dropped it from waist-high onto the cement and it dented the bezel inward. Gave it a good "caved in" spot on the previously-round bezel. It still works just fine though. So, even though the bezel appears to be thick and heavy, at least my older Dorcy version can only withstand waist-high drops.


Its no biggie to anyone but the most avid CPF fanatic. BUT it is one of the things that separates my Surefire from my Dorcy. If it were my 6P that got damaged, a simple domestic phone call would get me a replacement part, no questions asked.
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which flashlight could I get? I'm looking for one that gives off the farthest beam possible and not really worried about the width.

Did a bunch of you miss the part of the OP's post that says "the farthest beam possible?" That means a thrower. Lots of the lights suggested have average or low throw. The OP wants throw. So far I have produced the light with the most throw, the MX Power. If there is a light in his price range that has more throw, please post it because I want to buy one too. :D
Tiablo MA6. Quite small, handy and throws like crazy (for it's size). I got one today and I'm still amazed.

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