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Lumencraft (Matt)

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2008

I have a custom 2 C M*g61, specs are as follows.

M*g 2C host Black
Ultra Clear lens
Fivemega New Gen Hybrid cam/camless SMO reflector
FM Bi-pin socket
Philips 5761 bulb
M*g C tower heat sink with quick focusing system
2 AW li-ion C cells
AW tail cap spacer
Kiu stainless steal bezel VL with glow dots (optional)

This light has braided wire resistance fixes in the center of the switch, and in the tail cap. All metal to metal contacts have been treated with DeoxitGold (ProGold) for low resistance and smooth threads. I have also frosted the lower 2/3 of the bulb for a smoother hot spot. Note because of the ultra low resistance I do not recommend charging the cells above 3.9v as it will flash the bulb (if this is a problem I could supply a differnt type bulb). The AW cells are new with about 5 cycles on them. And the tail cap spacer is painted black. The Bezel is also New it has never seen a full light cycle. This type of light rates 1400+ bulb lumens on this thread by Luxluthor.

Pricing is as follows:
Light and cells withOUT the bezel is 179$ plus 9$ shipping.
The bezel is 40$ plus 5$ shipping or free with purchase of the light.
Insurance (optional) 3$

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