Wow, only three all year


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
Here it is, almost the end of 2008. Looking back I was surprised to find that I have only bought, for myself, 3 flashlights this year. One was the Streamlight Stylus Pro, Inova AAA Bolt and the 2008 Inova T1. To tell the truth, there is not really anything on the horizon either. Perhaps a Microstream, and most likely a green covert Photon. Other than that I really do not see much else I am likely to buy, for myself. I will likely spend some money of other people for gifts though.
WOW only 3!

I think I got almost 40 this year. I sold all but 5 of them due to finances.........

At least I got to try alot of them and the 5 left are real nice!
i bot over 6 branded lights and over 2 dozen cheapie lights.. and i had to keep my GF in the DARK :sssh:
Hard to remember for sure, but I think I've only added four more this year. First was a Proton Pro, thanks to a great deal from a fellow CPFer, then a Fenix E01, next an L0DQ4, and finally a LiteFlux LF3XT. Very pleased with all, especially the last.

Hmm, Lets see I have purchased zero new lights this year for myself and zero new lights this year for anybody else adding up to a total of zero. I will be getting a Fenix L2T for Christmas :D. Now Lets add up the total of Flashlights I have purchased since becoming a Flashaholic, first Minimag is one, Second Minimag to replace the one I broke (ended up doing a very extreme version of LED Museum type testing on it cause the switch to go intermittent). And a used Eveready model 108 (Dolphin) at the Goodwill. That adds up to three. I have to keep an eye on my limited money so that is why I have purchased so few.
Counting fauxtons, I've purchased well over 300. Not counting fauxtons, somewhere in the neighborhood of 55+. And like Sgt above, I've sold most of them already.
Inova T1 2008 was my only light buy this year too. And a couple of 2C M*gs that are waiting for future modding. I can't see anything on the horizon either. A covert green LED photon is a cult classic, thanks to Sub_Umbra run time report... can't have enough of them!
I've only bought about 19 lights this year.

Sure was fun picking up that Surefire M6 on my Birthday, back in January. :twothumbs
Went a little nuts this year, 15+ brass Peaks from their closeout sale with some coming from The Flashlight guy. Bought my first Surefires, a 6P Gunmetal, a 6P with an old Kl3 head, and a Green Aviator. Grabbed a Lumahunter special edition, 2 Nuwai Q3's, and a Lumapower LM33.

Looks like 22 for me and I have already started gifting a few. Interested in a couple of Jetbeams, Ra's, LunaSol20...ect...ect...ect.

I am pretty screwed.:duh2:
Lordy, I hate to think! Lots more than I had imagined...and still going at it! YIKES:duh2:

Hmm, Lets see I have purchased zero new lights this year for myself and zero new lights this year for anybody else adding up to a total of zero. I will be getting a Fenix L2T for Christmas :D. Now Lets add up the total of Flashlights I have purchased since becoming a Flashaholic, first Minimag is one, Second Minimag to replace the one I broke (ended up doing a very extreme version of LED Museum type testing on it cause the switch to go intermittent). And a used Eveready model 108 (Dolphin) at the Goodwill. That adds up to three. I have to keep an eye on my limited money so that is why I have purchased so few.

It doesn't sound to me like you are much of a flashaholic if all you bought was zero this year. Good for you! :twothumbs

I wish I could say the same. Let's see: Nitecore NDI, Nitecore EX10 GDplus (2 of them), McGizmo SunDrop, LiteFlux LF5XT and LF3XT, just to name a few. Send me to your healer!
Inova T1 2008 was my only light buy this year too. And a couple of 2C M*gs that are waiting for future modding. I can't see anything on the horizon either. A covert green LED photon is a cult classic, thanks to Sub_Umbra run time report... can't have enough of them!

Yep. his reports are what made me decide that is a must have.
Mostly good stuff this year.

CL1H, WE Sniper, Fenix 4 in 1 kit etc.

Probably a dozen to sixteenish since last Christmas.

MAY get a Zebralight H50 Q5 for Christmas. Otherwise I'll get one early next year because I WANT one!!!
My light count is way down this year as well only 2 - A P3D Q5 and M20 R2. In past years I was good for 6+ lights, I too see little on the horizon. If the T1A or UA2/UB2 ever come out they will probably tempt me. It is like light development has hit a plateau and is only slowly evolving...
I've rather badly broken my New Year's resolution, which was not to buy any new lights until the next quantum leap in LED performance.

The total new lights so far in 2008 is five. All were puchased new at heavily discounted prices. First there was a new work light for $100.00 which was a SF 8AX with the complete kit. It's just right for what I need and sees regular use. Next, I bought a couple of Peaks with red LEDs from the flashlight guy because they were cheap and wanted to see if I could find a use for red LED lights. Finally, I bought a pair of Mag 3D LED at Lowes when they were half price. So far, I haven't opened the packages on the Mags as I know what they are. But after the last week long power outage, I knew they would come in handy next time.

As near as I can recall, in total, I spent about $157 for the five new lights. However, I bought 3 SureFires in 2007 so things sort of average out over time.