Wow this Downboy750 is TINY! How do you solder them leads?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
Good grief this thing just came today and yikes this thing is microscopic! How in the bleep do ya solder them leads to the board!?!? The only way I can see is have the wire long enough that it extends thru the holes a little bit and solder them from the back where there aren't delicate components. Would that work?
What you've described is the normal way to do it (or, at least, what I was taught to do). Another trick is to use solid wire (not stranded) and slide the shielding up a ways. This allows you to hold the iron against the wire higher up. Then only the solder wire needs to get close to the components. If even that would be hard, you can cut the solder and place a small bit next to the wire first, then heat it. Finally, slide the sheilding back down when the wire is cool.

Good luck!

Stick the wire through the hole with 1/8 sticking out the other side.
Solder the wire.
Snip off the excess
If you are OCD like me, sand down the remaining bubble :)
TorchBoy said:
Are you guys making lead dust :awman: or do you use silver solder :goodjob: ?

dont worry, i make mercury dust every day with my dental handpiece.:laughing: