Sorry I don't have any to offer now but I would like to encourage you to get one! If you like the Surefire E series lights you'll love this head. These PR and PR-T heads work great with an SSC P4 led and will throw very well in addition to having a bright and wide spill too. It is worth the search and there are many out there so just keep at it until you find one! Good luck.
Free bump & good luck on your search. IMO a PR-T is a must have. I purchased only 5 of them. I only sold one of them & I regeret it to this day. At least I have every color available though (I think). Two of mine are still virgins & unbuilt (sorry for rubbing it in ). :wave:
These are Don's (McGizmo) old turbo heads (Circa 2002). They were developed before the Aleph line to work with Surefire E-series compatible bodies. Here's a link from his website describing the head: This is a modded PR-T head to be used with the L1 flashlight. Originally, the PR-T head housed a converter board from the sandwhich shoppe.
Those PRT heads are very cool, they always remind me of the flashlights
you see in cartoons when we where kids
They are rare hence the "high" market value.
Hmmm .... maybe you can persuade Erin to make a run of these
In Al so we can all afford one
What kind of reflector do they use .... McR27 ?
Here is a PRT head that I got some time ago from Milky. Hence the tape around the outside. This head was built by McGizmo with a 917 driver and an SSCP4 emitter. On the bottom of the driver Don has inscribed 6-12v, 917, and Mc.
I had this hooked up to a 4x123 primary setup (12v) and it is very bright.
Unfortunately, I dropped the light and you can see the dent in the bezel in the third picture.
If anyone is interested, I am selling for $100.00. It is an excellent head to put on an E series or and Aleph.
For those who have pm'd me asking to purchase the PRT head, I have given
first opportunity to Lumafist. If he chooses not to purchase the head, I will turn to the PMs.