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Sold/Expired WTB* Cut Down Maglite (Anything shorter than 2 Cells)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2006
Southern California
I take a little break from all these fireworks, and suddenly I want a cutdown maglite. Must be all the smoke In the air. :D

I would like to buy a Cutdown Maglite 1.5 C or D - 1C or D.

If you have one lying around please PM me!
.....Ah, now I'm in need of one of those tailswitches for the Maglites.
I've been making my own tailswitches for both C and D sized Mags using these 10 amp switches. I just cut a circle out of PCB's cladded with copper on both sides to fit in the stock spring recess in the tailcap. Then solder one wire to each side of the PCB and solder a smaller spring (I got mine from Ace hardware) to the battery side of the PCB. Drill a 3/8" hole in the tailcap, and everything mounts pretty securely.

Fitting the switch in the C sized tailcap takes a little extra work. The switch is a hair too large. but a little filing/sanding of the corners will make it fit. There's more than enough plastic to remove the amount needed without affecting the watertight integrity of the switch. Also, due to the button being off-centered on the switch body, your hole will need to be off center also. There is enough room in the D tailcap to center the hole and have the body off-center, but not in the C tailcap.
Great Tutoral Don!!

I'll have to make some of these!


These switches are avaliable from modamag if you cant make one, the thread is located HERE
Thanks Donshock.

@ Aircraft, thanks for the link, will probably get that soon.

By the way, still looking for a cutdown Maglite :huh: