Flashlight Enthusiast
I'm new to this light stuff and I think this light would work for me the best. Would like to buy one at a fair price. Let me know what you've got. Thanks Corey
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...Rumors of a new wave coming over in McGizmo forum. I'm waiting.
Hello jcompton,
I am interpreting the statement below from Don's October update to mean there are some in the works.
"I also ordered more Ti PD-S sets as well as Ti S27-PD sets from the machine shop and although these were ordered well after the LunaSol 27 parts, I have recently received the PD-S heads in advance of the LunaSol27 heads. Given that my hands are presently tied on the LunaSol 27 project I will just put time into the PD-S lights and there may well be a wave of them prior to the LunaSol 27."
We have seen the PD-S wave mentioned come (and go). If he's still I hurting for LunaSol 27 parts we may see the S27s sooner rather than later. I reserve the right to be totally wrong.
P.S. Thanks for the Krytox!