You certainly need to take the wavelength into consideration, depending on your application either one of the ubiquitous ~400 nm emitters (Cree XL 7090 UV (rated 350 mA), Aculed UV (rated 500 mA), the DX 1 W emitter (possibly manufactured by
Helios), just to name a few) or lower wavelength (~365 nm) emitters are better.
The 400 nm wavelength is good for forensic purposes or finding stains on your carpet. Actually the cheaper emitters (like the DX one) have a broader wavelength distribution that will excite a broader spectrum of substances which is favorable for those purposes.
However some security features on bank notes will only be excited by wavelengths < 380 nm.
By far the most powerful 360 nm emitter is manufactured by
Nichia, but is as expensive as it is hard to come by. There are other cheaper alternatives with less flux, but they are niche products as well and not produced in large numbers.
And i agree on the safety measures mentioned before, even if the long wavelength UV-A (near UV) is the least dangerous UV for your eyes, you should take precautions when working with these emitters and keep exposure to a minimum.