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Nice light!, keep it with your Toyota , both are classics.
But i think the Toyota is more expensive(250.000 Euro's)
Of topic , but another picture:
Good luck with your sale!
Good seller bump with off topic car story.
I remember seeing A Toyota 2000GT several times during my tour in Viet Nam. It was near Chu Li central coastal area.
Thanks :huh:- but I already have one. :nana: But in all seriousness folks, this is sweet classic. It is my go-to light for just about everything. Although its big twin brothers, the XP-G versions Warm and Cool, deliver an utmost superbly useful beam the XR-E has many things going for it. It is a classic - the first Haiku ever created. It has the smoothest beam I've ever seen from an XR-E led AND its tint is my all time favorite - so close to sunlight that one feels as if he or she has been blessed with a window open and light comes directly from the heavens above. Did I mention its my EDC? lovecpf Goodluck with your sale.
E-J-J is a great guy
Good luck with your sale :twothumbs
You might want to change your thread title. $3750 is alot for a light!
You might want to change your thread title. $3750 is alot for a light!
Maybe 10 McGizmo's
Free Bump , and Good Luck with your sale :thumbsup: