Xeray Runtime Test


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 14, 2005
Louisiana - USA
Xeray Runtime Test

A fellow flashoholic told me the other day he was getting 30 and 40 minute runtimes on his Barnburner batteries so I decided to try mine. I did runtime test using a small fan for cooling. Units were fully charged and sat up one day.

Test #1

Xeray BarnBurner (original battery) 49 min

Xeray BarnBurner (second battery) 48 min

Xeray 50w 138 min Correction 98 Min

Test #2

Xeray BarnBurner (original battery) 48 min

Xeray BarnBurner (second battery) min

Xeray 50w min

What are you getting. :)

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First runtime test:
Started at 11:15
Ended at 11:58
43 minutes of runtime.

Second test to come soon.
I also fully charged and did test with both about 15-16 hours later

Xeray BarnBurner (original battery) :51 min (Have not used 2nd battery that I got from Chris Dallas) That seems hella-long enough for my uses.

Xeray 50w 1Hr 43 min (103 mins) (corrected...I meant 1:43) (I was surprised it lasted this long.)
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143 minutes, that explains why mine never seems to need charging. That is such a useful output from the 50w for such a huge amount of light. I am sure that I am not alone in thinking that the 50w at 140 minutes is more practical for a working light than 50 minutes at 75w. But of course that is not why most of us are here.

Roy said:
How are you measuring run-time?

Fully Charge Units, set up a timer, use small fan to control over heating and press GO.

This test is can save you money :grin2:

Great time to vacuum under and behind the refrigerator. I sucked out a ton of dust and debris clogging the condenser vents on the refrigerator! Should run cooler and save money throughout the next year... :rock:

I had plenty of light to see what trash and dust was clogging that frig up :grin2:

What is the end point of your runtime measurment? 50% ofmax brightness ? battery goes dead?
Battery goes dead. The light flickers or maybe not, then goes completely out. This happens over less than a second. No guessing with HID.

IIRC, my two tests a month ago resulted in 85 and 89 minutes. These were essentially the 1st discharges of the battery in each light. Guess i should try again. IIRC, they take a few cycles to break in.
Roy said:
What is the end point of your runtime measurment? 50% ofmax brightness ? battery goes dead?

One of the great advantages about HID lights is that unlike LEd and Incandescent lights, HID doesn't dim because of the batteries getting low. WHen the light shuts off, the brightneess is the same as it was in the beggining.
I just did the second test and got a mere 3 minutes more runtime. This time I did 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off, both times I had a fan blowing on it. A 15 minutes loss might not seem like much, but for a light like this that's a huge difference. The battery shouldn't be loosing that much capacity so soon.

Edit: Just out of curiosity, how long are your lights taking to charge? My light takes 5 hours to fully charge from empty.
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I just finished a continuous run with fan cooling. 89 minutes right off the charger about 5 minutes after the led turned green. This is so far under what Lux got. Lips & Lux, how many cycles do you have on your 50 watter with 140+ run time?
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BVH said:
I just finished a continuous run with fan cooling. 89 minutes right off the charger about 5 minutes after the led turned green. This is so far under what Lux got. Lips & Lux, how many cycles do you have on your 50 watter with 140+ run time?

I probably have 40-50 cycles on it. I waited about 12-15 hrs after charging...and it sat on green for a while, since I charged it while I was out running errands for 8 hours.
I have cycled my battery about fifty times so far, rarely very deep, and runtime to darkness is close to 57 minutes very consistently. (I am also a stopwatch fanatic.) I do leave the unit on the charger after the green light for about ten minutes to an hour -- maybe this is voodoo, but it seems to get the best results. (BarnBurner 75)

I also don't put a fan on it. It was made to run "as is".

I know this goes against conventional wisdom that Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries need no cycling to get full capacity, but I got 10 minutes more time on my BB after only one full discharge. Mine went from 30 minutes to 40 minutes. I'll try a couple more cycles and see if there is anymore improvement. After cycling a very small Li-Polymer battery (50 mah) for a little R/C helicopter, my flight time went from 7 minutes to 10 minutes. Others that have the same helicopter reported the same increase in runtime. Go figure.
BVH said:
I just finished a continuous run with fan cooling. 89 minutes right off the charger about 5 minutes after the led turned green. This is so far under what Lux got. Lips & Lux, how many cycles do you have on your 50 watter with 140+ run time?


You made me realize I made a mistake reading the timer; Lux probably did the same. First post corrected. My 50w runtime was 98 minutes.

Both my units are pre-owned, 50w no idea about cycles but the barnburner had less than an hour runtime...
Lips said:

You made me realize I made a mistake reading the timer; Lux probably did the same. First post corrected. My 50w runtime was 98 minutes.

Both my units are pre-owned, 50w no idea about cycles but the barnburner had less than an hour runtime...

Doh....I thought I had typed 1:43...yeah mine was 1 Hr 43 min (103 Mins). Also about once a month, my discharges were using it until light shut off.
OK, this makes a lot of sense now. I think I remember Dan saying around 105 - 108 minutes of run time when he first introduced them. I don't feel left out in the cold any longer! Thanks, guys for the update. I've got only 3 cycles on mine and I'm guessing it'll go up as I get towards 15-25 cycles.
Test #2 for BarnBurner came in at 48 min

Looks pretty consistent for my unit...

I remember Dan saying it takes 100% as much power to go from 50 to 75 watts so that seems to be correspond with about 1/2 as much run-time between the 50w and the Barnburner.

48 min is a long time for allot of casual spotlight needs but it sure is nice to have the run-time for critical situations...