XP-E mod in an Ra Clicky ?

Sep 24, 2008
I currently have an Ra Clicky 140 with the GD emitter and when compared to my Quark 123 it just doesn't seem that bright. I have being to debate weather swapping the emitter with an XP-E would yield better performance. The reason I didn't suggest an XP-G is because I have not been pleased with the tints of most of them I've seen.

Let me just be clear I do not want to start a debate about XP-E vs XP-G vs Ra Lights vs Quarks.

I am just wondering if "up grading" the GD emitter to an XP lamp would result in a similar but bright beam in this Ra 140. The other option I was considering was modding an Novatac platform. Mostly because I've opened those before and would be less nervous about modding one.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.