Xtar SSC P7 C2 problem battery problem


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2008
Just got this torch today after ordering over a week ago from china.
Chucked the batteries in the torch without charging, both full power and energy saver worked fine.

Chucked the batteries into the Ultrafire WF-137 charger which came with it.
Charged the battery till the green light stayed solid, then tried them in the torch.
Full power mode flashes for a spilt second before going out :(, energy saver mode works fine.

Checked the voltage on the battery to see if the charger had messed up, but it was 4.15ish volts. The ebay listing says the battery is a 3.7v 18650 protected battery, so I guess the charger is over charging it?

Is the led faulty or the charger or something else?

Hi SwissTony, :welcome:
4.15V is normal for a fully-charged Li-Ion. 3.7V is the nominal voltage... when the battery is under load (flashlight on), it'll drop down to about 3.7V or so, depending on how large the load is.

I'd be interested to see what current the flashlight is drawing on high mode. It's possible that the current draw is higher than the battery's protection circuit threshold, and the the circuit is kicking in. This shouldn't be the case since it's a battery that came with the light, but I wouldn't be surprised. AW (over in the Dealer's Corner on CPF Marketplace) sells protected 18650's that have a higher current threshold to prevent just this sort of thing. Lighthound.com stocks them as well. If you're planning on staying in the flashlight hobby, you'll want more 18650's... so maybe you can pick one up to try. It would be quicker than mailing your light back to HK and waiting for a replacement. :)

It could also be a faulty driver in the light, but it fits the symptoms of the above situation
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I ran the batteries down to 3.77volts before the full power mode would stay on constantly. Anything above 3.77, the full power mode would stay on from anywhere between a split second and 10 seconds.

Your diagnosis seems to be spot on.

Will head over to the CPF market place tomorrow and hopefully pick up some better ones.

Thanks for the help :bow:

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