You probably wont see this too often?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
my lights are tools not shelf queens.
i dont want to lose them.
ive seen a few

"i lost my flashlight'


i spend a lot of time deep in the woods, with kids, that like to use my flashlights:ohgeez:

i should be able to find em now if they get misplaced:party:





rustoleum, sure its not ha eleventybillion, and will get chipped, but if i can find my rustoleum light, and you cant find your olive ha17...

who wins? :)
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A question.

Usually when flashlights are needed, it's pretty dark.... so try putting them in a dark forest and check if they still stand out?

Maybe repainting them in GITD paint would be more fun? ;)
GITD paint and a good UV light would have been my choice. But I have to agree.... nope you're not going to see anyone else doing this treatment any time soon.

IIRC lighthound sells GITD paracord. you could just tie a long strand of that around the lights and hit it with a UV light. As an added bonus this would give you an excuse to acquire more lights.
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Deal extreme was selling GLID tailcaps for some lights before. Not sure how good they are or if they still do
GITD stuff don't usually glow for a long time unless its a really high quality one. Trits would be better.
Lol this thread reminds me of the Glow in the Dark Flashlights from Night at the Museum 2.
Deal extreme was selling GLID tailcaps for some lights before. Not sure how good they are or if they still do
Yes, they still do. I installed some 14mm green ones in my Solarforce L2 tailcaps.

I did a test one night....sat them directly under a halogen lamp for 10 minutes, shut off all the lights in the room and went and took a shower. 15 minutes later they just had a faint glow.
Yes, they still do. I installed some 14mm green ones in my Solarforce L2 tailcaps.

I did a test one night....sat them directly under a halogen lamp for 10 minutes, shut off all the lights in the room and went and took a shower. 15 minutes later they just had a faint glow.

x2... they're pretty useless by themself IMHO. I modded my SF-M2 with one and :thinking:

Paired with a UV light to scan the immediate area...:twothumbs
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nothing really wrong with your idea.
They are definitely going to be easier to spot!

only thing that kind of sucks is that paint does not stick well to anodized aluminum.

They may chip and flake easily.

The locator flash is a cool feature of a few lights.
I always enable it on my 120p when camping.
so no one saw the stock black 3D maglite in pic #4? ;)

sure glow in the dark paint / trits are an 'ok' idea,

but ill just wait till 'sun up' to find em if they get ....misplaced :whistle:
You didn't even take apart the tailcaps to remove the rubber switch covers?

Did you cover the windows? Some of those have crenelated bezels, and I'd bet that some over spray got under there and onto the window.

You didn't even take apart the tailcaps to remove the rubber switch covers?

Did you cover the windows? Some of those have crenelated bezels, and I'd bet that some over spray got under there and onto the window.

yea i threw some tape over the glass.

everything else got a coat.

they all work normally., looks like you spray-painted a first run NDI? That Nitecore HA is one of my favorite shades of HA. You know I'd paint my 6P without batting an eye, but don"t think I could paint the Nitecore...the lights do look cool though, polymer colors with aluminum heft! :thumbsup: