Your experiences w/ Leatherman tools, w/ pocket clips? ...


Dec 16, 2002
I like the idea of a small to medium-sized Leatherman tool as I like the pliers. But I'm not going to wear a sheath on my belt. Some now are small enough, and have pocket clips like pocket knives. I see models such as the Freestyle and Skeletool.

What are your experiences w/ the various models. Any recommendations? I generally carry a Benchmade carbon fiber 770 or a Buck Sirus in my pocket.

Thanks in advance!
Take all this with a couple grains of salt, as I've never actually owned a Leatherman..........but I've bought a few of them. I kept borrowing them from other people and then breaking the pliers. Of course I'd replace them. Didn't think I was doing anything abnormal that you wouldn't do with normal needle nose pliers, either. I prefer Gerber, haven't broken any of those, and I've used them way above and beyond what would be considered acceptable. That's what I carry.

Keep in mind thousands of people love their Leathermans and you can't get a trend from a sample size of one. :buddies:
Is it just me, or does anyone else see a problem with needing to "borrow" other peoples things and then breaking them? Once, maybe. Twice, perhaps (but I doubt it). A few? I think it's time you buy your own tools and stop "borrowing" and breaking others tools.

And people wonder why many don't let other people "borrow" their tools.


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