Sy Tools K10 knife sharpener ( Guided System )


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

Just got my new Knife Sharpener System .
I already have loads of inserts , so I got me the base system .

A) I love the way it mounts to a table .. My other systems are really bad for mounting ( Clamping ) .. But this K10 is simply fantastic .
B) I like how well and solidly it holds the knife . A big bonus is how straight the system is as well for laying down accurate edges
C) It actually turned out to be very easy to use / set up / and sharpen a knife .

I will most likely have to do a video on just how easy it is to use .. But I only just got it ( last two hours ) and I sharpened a knife right away with it .
So right now ? = Nothing to complain about .

Took a while , = Bad weather ! ( Hot N Humid )

SyTools K10 guided system .

Why Guided Systems :
A) For accuracy
1- Good clean straight bevel
2- Known angle ( Moe precise )
3- For me , easier / faster and more accurate than hand sharpening
4- Edge retention
5. Less material loss ( longer lasting knife )
6. Less of a learning curve

Ok , for some strange reason there is some sort of stigma attached to guided / fixed angle sharpeners . Why would anyone be opposed to a superior edge ? Not everyone can free hand like a machine ! ( I cant ) .
I never had issue making a knife sharp ! Where an issue arose was when I got interested in Stays Sharp ! ( Edge Retention ) For me ( speaking for myself ) ! Free hand could not compete with guided sharpening .

Convex edges ? Free hand usually ends up being convex 'ed to some degree ! Unless your like a legendary sharpening machine . Now I have tested a few convex edges against guided / wet stone grinder edges and there is no contest in regards to edge retention . The straight cut edges win every time ( for me - in regard to stays sharp ) . Where convex works is - FEELS on wood ! Convex carves wood real nice , maybe 5% to 10% better than a normal straight edge / bevel . ( Feels / feathers ) Unfortunately you will take a 50% performance hit with that convex edge ( My experience ) .... Possibly because I cant hand sharpen to legendary standards .

Anyway , I like the k10 sharpener .
The split knife holder / forks / grips are nice because each fork self aligns . This makes for a better grip and better stability for the knife in the sharpener . Most sharpeners with a large single tine / fork / grip have issue with alignment , especially if you have a funky blade with odd angles .. ( Looks good , but is bad for stuff like guided / clamped systems )

At the moment I am trying to asses how good or BAD my sharpening is . Unfortunately I am finding it difficult to find people to play Keeps Sharp with me .. I though I got a bite with HomeSlice , but he seems to have gone silent ( or is too busy ???? ) . What level is my sharpening at ?
Good / bad / ugly ? I think it's decent , but how do I know .. So few people play Keeps Sharp !
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