SLS2 unable to turn on consistently?

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Newly Enlightened
Aug 15, 2002
Lakewood, CA
In the past few days, I have had a great deal of difficulty turning on my SLS2. When I engage the clickie it lights, though it frequently either flickers or comes on at about 10% output... but once I let got of the switch, it only stays lit one try in five.

And as a point of reference, this is with a nearly new battery (swiped from my Inova X5T).

Has anyone else been experiencing this?


May 1, 2002

You might try taking the switch out and cycling it on and off. You can see a small rivet shaped contact that comes down and contacts the side spring to engage for "ON". Make sure this rivet is up and in the "OFF" position before re-installing the switch. I have encountered your problem and resolved it in this manner.

- Don


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2001
Mesa, AZ. USA
Yes, I concur with Don. The Kroll tailswith we use sometimes catches it's side spring in the threads. Sometimes all it takes for faithfull service is to tweak it a little. When installing the switch, always make sure it is off. This relieves the tension on the side spring. Sometimes tightening/loosing the threads also helps. My EDC LSL has a TSP I adjusted initially and have used for several months without incident. I also use two other LSHs from time to time and they also have TSPs but they have worked fine from the get go without any tweaking.

In my EDC, I have found that frequent use, dropping on concrete, carrying in my pocket, cold weather, dust, etc has yet to have any effect on it's reliability. Your results may vary.

Btw, one of the CPF'ers (Sorry, I forget who off hand) noticed a while back that there was some electrical resistance in the Kroll. I asked Henry (our engineer) to check this out. Resistance in switches is normal and the Kroll is average in that regard. It's effect on the light output is zero as far as brightness (it's regulated
) and run time may be affected by 1 minute or less, which is less of an effect than that caused by variations from battery to battery, tempurature, etc.

As far as what to do with your switch Deth, try another pack if you have one. That might save you a bunch of time if it is a head problem. As far as the orginal pack, try tweaking the switch by twisting it a little with the light on. If it is still ignoring you, try removing it, clean everything up and then reinsert it (make sure it is off). For extra credit and advanced tweaking, remove the side spring and stretch it a little. If it still is being a bugger, drop a note and we will send you a new switch. I will say that requiring a whole new switch is rare as most problems can be fixed by just adjusting the switch. These Krolls are made in America by Judco and can take a fair amount of abuse.

Peter Gransee
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