I think I know what Apple is going to do!


Jul 12, 2007
Pennington, NJ
I wonder if there's going to be any breaks for iPhone users who already pay $30/month for unlimited internet (like the two devices linking to each other and sharing internet connection)

...if not, I'll just have my iPhone setup a WiFi connection and connect the iPad to it for internet access (like I already do with my laptop).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
I was hopeful for something really awesome, but it just didn't happen. I'll be getting a Nook.

See, "really awesome", for me can be not only some super new wiz-bang powerful feature set, but can also be something that gets all the details right.

And the iPad may turn out to fall into that second category of "really awesome". Or it may not. IT IS TOO EARLY TO TELL. We need to wait and see what the user reviews are and what the important applications turn out to be, and so on. People were obviously expecting too much (as usual) from this release. It happens every time there is a new release. People develop a totally unrealistic list of "wants". Blu-Ray burner standard, two eSATA ports, 10MP camera, core 2 duo processor, 1,000 hour battery life time, and all for $399.

Sorry. But the Tablet was never going to live up to all the hype that its rumored release generated.

In point of fact, I think just simply being a big iPod Touch IS (or could be) "really awesome"! The iPod Touch and iPhone are beyond awesome in my experience. There's just something about them. All the little details are right. They are a pleasure to use. If you just look at feature sets and specs, there are a number of other media players and smart phones out there that seem competitive (or even better, at least value-wise), but the reality belies the specs. The iPhone is so much better.

Similarly, you would be unwise to judge the iPad by specs and early comments from spectators and pundits. Wait. The user experience is what will make or break this device. That and the product markets that materialize (or fail to do so) for it.

I think it was very smart of them to separate out the 3G feature, and to make the data plan no commitment/pay-as-you-go. And I think these are priced very reasonably for the hardware.

Will I buy one? I don't know. I am waiting to see what happens with the eBook (and eMedia in general) situation, and to get my hands on one to see what it is like reading with it. As I said above, for me, the biggest deal with one of these is its "Kindle" type use (but with COLOR and hi-res display or better-res anyway). We shall see. Time will tell.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
I wonder if there's going to be any breaks for iPhone users who already pay $30/month for unlimited internet (like the two devices linking to each other and sharing internet connection)

...if not, I'll just have my iPhone setup a WiFi connection and connect the iPad to it for internet access (like I already do with my laptop).

Really good question! I'd love to know the answer. :thinking:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2007
near Pittsburgh
I really like the design, but the lack of camera is "almost" a dealbreaker for me. I will still get it though. You pretty much nailed the "bigger iPhone" prediction. :thumbsup:

Well, just imagine how funny you'd look holding this giant (by camera standards) thing with a tiny camera hole in the back to take a picture. You'd look like you were trying to hide from the people you were taking a picture of. :grin2:


Dec 10, 2007
...I think it was very smart of them to separate out the 3G feature, and to make the data plan no commitment/pay-as-you-go. And I think these are priced very reasonably for the hardware....

To me that is the most innovative feature of the device, and is truly worthy of applause and support.

Cellular service providers are providing a bulk service and they're scared to death that consumers will figure that out. It's the main reason devices are subsidized and locked (even when unsubsidized) to their network so they can try to differentiate themselves on anything but the actual quality of their network.

It's long past time we the consumers woke up and started treating service providers like what they are. Commodities.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
there is a reason apple started using intel processors instead of their own.

"1GHz Apple A4 custom-designed, high-performance, low-power system-on-a-chip"

sadly, apple decided that their profit wasn't high enough, and to go back to their processors. :sigh:

oh, and unbelievable price .. eh I think not.

don't get me wrong, I love apple's other products.. but this... ugh. perhaps we, the public, fueled speculation all too much.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
there is a reason apple started using intel processors instead of their own.

"1GHz Apple A4 custom-designed, high-performance, low-power system-on-a-chip"

sadly, apple decided that their profit wasn't high enough, and to go back to their processors. :sigh:


oh, and unbelievable price my ***.
nothing but a overgrown iphone we've been drooling over.

don't get me wrong, I love apple's other products.. but this... ugh. perhaps we, the public, fueled speculation all too much.

Not pathetic at all. Apple acquired freaking PA SEMI about two years ago. Maybe you don't know who they are? Only a company which has about 100 of the best chip designers on the planet working for them. And they specialize in low power consumption, high efficiency chips.

It isn't about short-term profit at the customers expense (It's about long-term profit by giving the customer what he or she wants). Apple paid a LOT of money to acquire PA Semi, and had to agree to honor their existing military contracts to boot. They did so because INTEL DOES NOT MAKE A GOOD CHIP IN THIS CATEGORY. Apple took their profits from previous years and INVESTED them in future performance. And it's going to start paying off in the next couple years.

You're off the mark on this one, csshih. You may not find an "overgrown" iPhone appealing, but there are plenty of people who do.

As for the pricing, it IS very good pricing. Consider that Amazon sells the Kindle for below cost (because they make their money on the eBooks), and consider that the comparable sized Kindle is $489 and doesn't have Wi-Fi and doesn't have an IPS color touch-screen and doesn't do email or web browsing and doesn't have thousands of applications available for it.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
sorry Jim, I realized that I was being rude and obnoxious and edited my post. too late, I see.

reading up on PA SEMI now. perhaps I was being the ignorant consumer that I've so hated.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York

that is a very big iphone I must say. Its a cool concept, but I can wait for the 4th or 5th gen.:shrug: (jailbroken of course:thinking::rolleyes:)

OK. OMG! I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it looks very much like they got all the details right--the whole package--WOW!. I'm freaking impressed!

And they used the same construction as the unibody macbooks. Those things are a joy to hold. They are so very precisely constructed. Fit and finish is perfect. And that's how this thing is constructed. And what a display! Wow! And an IPS screen is going to guarantee very good viewing angles. Nice, nice, nice!

I know the hype is thick in places on that video, but seriously, I think they're right about holding "the internet" in your hands and manipulating it with your hands and fingers--there's something--a LOT of something--to what they are saying in the video. And the email client and ebook client shown looked fantastic! And the speed of the responses to things tell me that that A4 processor is pretty damned impressive. Wait and see. Wait and read what Ars Technica says. I bet you he will be impressed with the processor.

See, this is what I've been saying. It's the details. How responsive is it? How good is the display? What are the viewing angles? How many touch sensors are on it? How is the software? These things are essential.

OK. Before I saw the details, I was thinking I wouldn't get one. Now, I think I probably will, depending on what early reviews are like.

I'm impressed. Dang that thing looks nice!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York

No worries! I totally understand! And, I shouldn't have mentioned it, actually. I edited my post as well.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2007
near Pittsburgh
This thing looks pretty cool. The music in the video is a bit much IMO, but I have an iPhone 3GS, so I already have most of the features they were talking about. Otherwise I'd certainly be lusting after this new iPad.

Having used Maps on the iPhone, the full-screen google earth app on the iPad looks awesome.

I think my favorite part about the iPhone/iPad software is how fast it all is. I love the frame rate of all the animations and the responsiveness of the interface. It's like manipulating physical objects instead of virtual ones. I think that that's what separates the iPhone from the other smartphones.


Nov 5, 2005
Looks pretty cool to me, especially for technophobes.

Wonder how this eReader capability is if using out in the bright sun. Many people love to sit outside reading a book, or now be able to surf the web. Not sure how it performs, including with the sun's heat on its parts. Have not read about any updates to the 3g transmission tower infrastructure (dropped calls) issues in certain areas.

Given their track record, I wouldn't dare be a guinea pig for their first generation.


Aug 31, 2004
The Big Valley, Calif. USA
When I first saw the iPad I thought the whole concept was stupid. My wife and I both have iPhones and iPod touch. The mere though of a giant touch just didn't sound good to me. Then, after a few minutes of thinking about it and reading up on it I decided that it is a great idea. I use my iPhone or touch frequently at night when something that needs to be looked up on the Internet pops into my head. They are much faster than firing up my laptop, although the small size is kind of a hassle.

I showed the press info to my wife and told her I think I was going to get one instead of a rifle I had planned on buying. She said that she thought it was a neat idea and that I should get the iPad and the rifle. (Damn she is a good woman). I told her the prices and she said that it wasn't too much more expensive then "one of those little dumb Internet computers". She is insisting that I get the 64 gig unit.

I don't think I'll get the 3g one, my iPhone can handle that and I'm sure AT&T won't allow sharing with the iPhone plan. One comment on 3G and dropped calls. My local hospital has cellular jammers. They kill your cellular transmissions completely, but they do not stop messaging coming or going so I don't think AT&T's crappy network will be a real problem for the 3G models.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
I see they're maintaining the iPhone's tradition of low-resolution screens. :(

Anyway, the only surprising thing to me is the 1.33 aspect ratio, and that's a good thing. IPS is good too. As for the many other things I don't like, they're pretty much a rehash of the typical Nokia or Linux fan's reasons for not getting an iPhone, and don't need discussion here. Pricing is certainly decent, and the details seem to be right, if it was a device I'd actually want.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2009
Re: Apple Ipad - IT'S HERE!

i'll be ponying up as soon as it comes out.
the saddest part is that even though they're using epub for ebooks, it will be incompatible with other epub book stores. i'm sad because the books we've already bought can't be used on it, but also happy because thet would stick it to adobe who i shouldn't describe in polite company.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 29, 2002
A very strange dark place
I've read up on the specs of the iPad (stupid name, BTW)

It does not have a camera, it does not have a card reader for your camera, it won't do multi-tasking, it does not have a video output for your TV, it won't inform you of accepting a keystroke (key magnification, click or screen vibration) it does not have high enough resolution for 720P high def native and it won't display Adobe Flash.

MSI is coming out with a dual 10" touch screen netbook that can display both screens as stretched, individual screens or one is a keyboard image and the other high def display. When you type on the "keys" it will click and vibrate the screen to let you know it accepted the input. Flip it sideways and it adjusts the displays, it has a camera, card reader, HDMI video outputs, high def screens to display Adobe Flash. You can get a 128GB SSD for storage, it is upgradable, has an aluminum chassis and both 10" wide screen displays protect each other when you fold it up. The thing runs Win7 64 bit pro so no worries about buying everything from the Apple App Store. It is the same size when folded but gives twice the screen space when unfolded.

Since you have to wait until April to get the iPad 3G for $829, I'll wait for June to get the MSI dual touch screen netbook for around the same price but have all the capability of a laptop, the functionality of a touch screen dual-tablet and I can run Win7, Linux or Google Chrome OS if I like.

I guess the iPad is OK if you want a big iPod without a camera, it will do more than a Kindle but there is so much it won't do that I'll pass on it. Apple stock is dropping today, down around $8 (4%) so I guess I'm not the only one disappointed.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 25, 2008
Re: Apple Ipad - IT'S HERE!

watching the keynote now... its mind blowing.

I wonder though how comfy extended typing is - holding it w one hand while poking with the other... seems sort of clumsy. And since there is no tilted display I wonder how just laying it flat on a table and typing is. If you see in the keynote, he has it on his lap on his crosed knee which holds it on a nice slant to type...

I think the keyboard will be the biggest issue for me - I despise the one on my iphone 3gs.

It will deff need an angled base and wireless tactile keyboard to make me happy.

I wonder if they see this device as a laptop replacement for many? I just see it as a ereader/pda/media device on steroids.

I'm excited.


Jul 12, 2007
Pennington, NJ
I don't think I'll get the 3g one, my iPhone can handle that and I'm sure AT&T won't allow sharing with the iPhone plan.
That's the beauty of the iPhone, not in it's native locked-down form, but jailbroken and free. The iPhone can transmit it's own WiFi network which any Laptop, or the iPad with WiFi can connect to and use the iPhone's internet connection. AT&T knows nothing of it, neither should they since you pay for, and I quote "unlimited internet".

And BentHead, you just talked me out of buying one. Not because there's going to be other options, but because the iPad can't do Flash. What is Apple thinking? You loose the functionality of a good ~20% of the web when the device can't use Flash. It's just one more example (or way) of Apple controlling the content they deem you can use on a device YOU own.
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