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Don, Please Do Another Run of LS 27's


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2008
Don's already said he's not going to make any more two-mode PD lights,

I'm sure Don already has something new, different and sexier in his mind for the next step of his lights. :rolleyes:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2009
We already know this isn't going to happen, but add me to the list anyways:devil:


Nov 12, 2009
The PD classics are timeless!!!!:candle: I haven't seen any other lights surpass the sheer beauty and uniqueness of them. I am so glad this thread came about as I thought I was the only one wishing the unimagineable. Output: not important. Runtime: not important. Emitter type: not important. Having new runs of both LS20, LS27, and new creation PD lights - PRICELESS. lovecpf What a dream it would be to hear Don say it so and remember how Ford re-invents the Mustang. What about stock and re-design runs. :devil: The new designs would feature anything that Don has been dreaming up while still keeping the PD utility feature. I personally would love to see an Arc6-sized 1xCR123 light with the variablilty of a T1a. :eek: Put me, my brother-in-law, my future son, my ever-distant second cousin, and oh well I think that covers it down for one.


Dec 4, 2008
Miramar, FL
If only Don's hints at an Eclipse Lunasol 20/27 were to materialize! I've wanted an LS27 for awhile and having the flexibility of an extra two-??? modes would be so kewl!!! :devil:

Alas, he's moved beyond the piston drive. Maybe he was discouraged with the way Nitecore implemented it? Personally, my D10s were the lights that convinced me I absolutely had to have a Lunasol (I had just started in this hobby then). My D10s are still my favorite small Al lights due in no small part to the piston drive! You can't beat the tritium vials in the "button" either. What a great light, I wish I was around when the last run of Lunasol 27s happened, you know I'd have two to keep my 20s company!!!


Jun 3, 2011
Now that the LS 27 has become my life's mission, it seems ridiculous for me not to bump this thread up. Over a year has gone by since the last post to this thread and I hope that I can re-ignite the passionate out-cry for the resurrection of the LS 27!!! Please Don, hear us, feel our yearning, we are shouting from the mountain tops! Please bring back the lunasol 27. We love you Don !! Oh, and yes, put me down for 2 at the minimum. :drool:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
Golden Poppy State
Now that the LS 27 has become my life's mission, it seems ridiculous for me not to bump this thread up. Over a year has gone by since the last post to this thread and I hope that I can re-ignite the passionate out-cry for the resurrection of the LS 27!!! Please Don, hear us, feel our yearning, we are shouting from the mountain tops! Please bring back the lunasol 27. We love you Don !! Oh, and yes, put me down for 2 at the minimum. :drool:

Hi guys,
I am always concerned when a wave is launched and new users are getting some of my lights. I never know if the expectations will exceed the reality and it's a bummer when someone is disappointed. Your comments are quite comforting and thanks! :bow:

In regards to the LunaSOl 27, I really like the light and it was the first LunaSol. I personally like the looks and feel of the 27 head and I do like the Cree behind the McR-17 XR reflector embedded in the LS 27 head. But I realized that the 27 was too large to be accepted by many as an EDC and with pressure from many (I won't single out Bernie here) I accepted the challenge of designing a LunaSol 20 which would be a better EDC package (carry wise). To do both LunaSol's would have been too much work and frankly not enough difference between them to justify. I opted for the 20 and then proceeded to find Murphy at every turn during its process. :green:

I didn't want to abandon the Cree/CR17 package but with the advent of the 3S converter, I felt that the Haiku was a better solution with emphasis on outside and extended range than even the LunaSol 27 and especially when you factor in the "C" of EDC. I think the beam of the XR-17 is one of the most successful "throw" type beams on low level output and this by virtue of its concentration of light in the spill portion of the beam and the fact that the spot is not sharply delineated with an obvious drop and contrast in intensity at its perimeter. (I think of the beam from the XR-17 as more of a ram or concentrated flood of light than a classic throw) A more successful collimated beam on low output seems to leave you with a low level spot and essentially nothing beyond. For example, I think the Haiku on low is a more useful beam than the PD-S beam on low. I realize that many really like the PD-S and my comments are of a subjective nature where the value, if not truth, is in the eyes of the beholder and for them to decide.

Personally, I now always have a Sapphire handy for back up or when bare minimum is all I am concerned with. I alternate between the LunaSol 20 and Haiku for a more substantial and versatile light to carry. When I know I want flood ahead of time, I grab a SunDrop 3S. I still have some lights with greater flux and lux but I don't need them very often and I have access to them when I do. We all have different applications and needs and we can best maximize our utility from lights by understanding our particular needs and approaching them realistically.

I admit that my designs and offerings are heavily based on my personal priorities and may not jibe with the priorities of others at all. However to the extent we may share in interests and desire, you can hopefully appreciate the fact that I have done what I can to approach those targets effectively and appropriately as compromises are made. :shrug:

I caught your post before you edited it and felt it ultimately inappropriate for me to respond. I am more inclined to respond now. I too have a couple PD's and LunaSol's that I am hanging onto. In truth, I don't use them and they are in some drawers.

I can't tell you how frustrated I would get with Peter Gransee back then because he would not build or supply lights some of us wanted and demanded. I could grant him the right to build and offer the lights he felt like offering but I resented the lack of availability of lights I wanted. To a limited extent, I did end up doing something about it.

In the spirit of "practicing what one preaches" I find it easiest to offer lights I want and currently use. As soon as I had a Sapphire, my interest and need for a LunaSol changed dramatically. (I should point out that the LunaSol replaced my interest or need in a PD) With the Sapphire always on me, my primary and most common need for illumination was covered. The question then was what to do about a light when a single 3 mm LED wasn't up to the task. I have a number of lights I am now building and offering which to some extent answer that question; at least for me they do.

For some, the PD and/ or LunaSol offer a better solution. For some, a 20 watt LED flashlight is the solution. I don't question this or disagree but it's not my solution, at present.

One of the main reasons I am hanging on to some PD's and LunaSols is that at some future time I may want to revisit their format and it can be easier to modify an existing light for proof of concept than it is to start from scratch. Not always the case but sometimes.

I thought these two posts of Mr. McGizmo might be pertinent. There was also some talk of too much DNA being left on these lights as they were being built.
Hope this helps,




Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
I thought these two posts of Mr. McGizmo might be pertinent. There was also some talk of too much DNA being left on these lights as they were being built.
Hope this helps,


Define "too much". He didn't leave any other maker's marks. How else will our great-great grandchildren tell whether their inheritances are authentic or ripoffs? :D

Speaking of ripoffs, since Don has declared several times that he has no interest in profiting further from the LunaSol design, maybe he could license it to people who have the tools and expertise to build a "tribute" model, something functionally the same but aesthetically different enough not be confused with the original runs. He already licensed the PD concept to NiteCore and Arc; why not let TnC or Cool Fall or anyone else who might be interested in reinventing the LunaSol have a go at it? It could be a group project. I'll bring S'mores.
Last edited:


Dec 16, 2007
Define "too much". He didn't leave any other maker's marks. How else will our great-great grandchildren tell whether their inheritances are authentic or ripoffs? :D

Uh, you forgot about all the tool marks that Don leaves on his lights...you know, the ones he tells us are there so we won't expect too much? Yeah, they will be able to tell they're McGizmos from those, 'cuz all the other custom builders don't leave any, so they must be his. :cool:


Apr 28, 2008
Come on Don "if you build it, they will come", and you can even make it with the clicky pak's...:thumbsup:


Jun 3, 2011
I have finally arrived !!!