Anyone else here have insomnia?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
Sub_Umbra wrote:

...If you need a light to navigate at night it should be very dim. Ideally dimmer than the old Infinity. (Not the Infinity Ultra)


This post was full of good information.

The notion of "no light at night" is a very important one.

Both my wife and I have suffered with insomnia since we've graduated into our mid-50s. I have found that if I get up and turn on pretty much any light, that I can't fall back asleep. And yet... laying in bed staring in the dark is non-productive as well.

We have finally hit on a technique that has really helped.

We each have small, battery powered MP3 players with audio books in them. The ones we are using at the moment are the Harry Potter books. The audio books are separated into chapters and the player is set to stop playing after each file. So... if I am still awake after one chapter, I simply hit the advance button (in the dark) and listen to another chapter. Sooner or later, my brain gives up and falls asleep.

This has worked >really< well!

We have heard the books enough that it is a little "boring" to hear the chapters over again... and yet, being familiar with the material means that my brain doesn't struggle to stay awake to hear how a chapter turns out.

This part is key. The material shouldn't be new and highly interesting... that only serves to keep me awake. It does, however, need to be sufficiently interesting to hold my attention. It is a delicate balance. This technique has revolutionized our ability to sleep through the night with occasional awakenings to restart a chapter... then I fall right back to sleep. I might wake up again an hour later... I restart the chapter and again, fall right back asleep.

The player needs to support the "stop after a single file is played" mode.

I use a Creative MuVo TX FM:


We also use the "in the ear" ear buds that will stay in the ear all by themselves like the Sony Fontopia.


We just bundle up one of the ear buds and have a single ear bud in the ear for this purpose. Basically, we sleep with a single ear bud inserted all night long. If I wake up, I turn on the "one chapter at a time" player and usually almost fall instantly back to sleep.

This really works. It has made the difference between getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night and getting a full 8 hours of sleep almost every night.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 9, 2005
stop thinking about flashlights :)

anyway, i have a little insomnia. i need to take a few hours turning around before i fall asleep. and while i am sleeping i may wake up suddently and take another few hours...


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2005
Pensacola, FL
Clean, steady white noise puts me smack out, usually. The ceiling fan used to do it, but after the last hurricane we hooked a window unit up in the bedroom when the power was out for a week. Now I can't sleep unless I have more noise than just the ceiling fan. As an added bonus, we turn the thermostat up in the rest of the house at night and just cool the bedroom.

I've seen/read about bedside white noise producers that look like radios or clocks. I never explored getting one because I've always used fans of some sort to make noise. I might add that I have a bad case of tinnitus...trying to go to sleep without constant noise is impossible.

Alloy Addict

Mar 8, 2006
Cinti, OH
steveH said:
Clean, steady white noise puts me smack out, usually. The ceiling fan used to do it, but after the last hurricane we hooked a window unit up in the bedroom when the power was out for a week. Now I can't sleep unless I have more noise than just the ceiling fan. As an added bonus, we turn the thermostat up in the rest of the house at night and just cool the bedroom.

I've seen/read about bedside white noise producers that look like radios or clocks. I never explored getting one because I've always used fans of some sort to make noise. I might add that I have a bad case of tinnitus...trying to go to sleep without constant noise is impossible.

Some of the best sleep I ever got was in an unairconditioned apartment that had a window unit in the bedroom. The noise was great, and due to the size of the room it stayed very cool.

With tinnitus I'm sure you need to have noise. I had a friend with that condition and he kept his stereo or TV on at all times, just to get relief from the ringing.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Ventura, CA.
I used a Marsona white noise machine when I lived at 9th avenue and 27th street in NY across the street from the construction of the new general post office which began with a year of blasting and then jack hammering four stories down into rock.. the Marsona had 'surf' settings and now I see they have bird settings like 'owl' --

.. here and now, real owls hoot me to sleep at night. :) (they keep Leon up though)


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2005
Pensacola, FL
Ted, I'll have to look those machines up...sounds like an interesting device. The ceiling fan in the bedroom has developed a highly annoying rattle that is driving me nuts. It sounds like two hyperactive 6 year-olds on a rusty teeter-totter. Apparently, the light kit module's screws are no longer able to tighten the dadgum thing up. That was obvious after a 3 a.m. trip to the shed to get a Phillip's head driver. I did discover that 100 m.p.h tape will make a fan quit making noises. I used about 4 yards of it on the junction between light kit and fan body. Now the girlfriend is all, "That looks UGLY!" Whatever, mamacita.

ScottZ, I quit drinking 15 days ago after 5-6 years of an average 15 beers a night. I think that's contributing to my current insomnia, but I'll get through it. My blood pressure needs the lovin', if you know what I mean. Copenhagen consumption is w-a-y up, though--over 2 cans a day.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 21, 2005
PhotonWrangler said:
Trazedone (prescription med) helps many people sleep. It's actually an antidepressant but in small doses it has an off-label use as a sleeping aid. As far as I know it's not habit forming.

Best advice I've seen on this thread so far. Works very well, no REM effect, not addictive. The sleepy effect can last up to 12 hours, so be careful in the morning of take it 12 hours before you want to wake up. Some folks report that it prevents them from getting migraines. Talk to your Doctor about getting this and ask him/her about any "sexual" side effects it may have and how to deal with these.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006

I've tried audiobooks, if anything they seem to keep me awake as no matter how many times I've heard them, I still pay attention. Another minus, they keep my g/f awake. Headphones aren't an option; I can't stand the things and I'd tangle up the cord bad while sleeping.


I've usually got lots of white noise from the window ac. My house has central air, but I don't see the point in cooling the whole house when we're not using it.


From the devil smiley, I can imagine what kind of sexual side effects you mean. I don't think we'd have any trouble managing those. :naughty:

Cheers all. Thanks for the help! :buddies:


Mar 23, 2006
I find that copius amounts of alcohol and/or sex put me right to sleep...... :D

Seriously, I feel for you. I spent 6 years on a navy ship and as a result I can sleep anywhere, anytime, no matter how much sleep I've gotten the night before.....

Weird, because I rarely take naps.....



Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2005
Pensacola, FL
I went to Walgreen's today and bought a bottle of 3mg melatonin and got one free. So, now I have 480 tablets of the stuff. I'm about to pop a few and see what happens. Hopefully, I won't be staring at the taped-up ceiling fan all night.

Failing that, I'm going to look on eBay for a Magic Fingers bed that doesn't have the quarter slot in it.


Nov 28, 2005
I only sleep good the same day I lifted weights. On my off days (from weight training) I don't sleep much.

Mon- chest and back
wed- legs and abs
fri- shoulders and arms


Newly Enlightened
Oct 21, 2005
steveH said:
I went to Walgreen's today and bought a bottle of 3mg melatonin and got one free. So, now I have 480 tablets of the stuff. I'm about to pop a few and see what happens. Hopefully, I won't be staring at the taped-up ceiling fan all night.

Failing that, I'm going to look on eBay for a Magic Fingers bed that doesn't have the quarter slot in it.

Published study showing Melatonon effective was at the 9mg dose, Isreali produced pharmacutical grade Melatonin.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 15, 2005
Covina, California
Last night, I suddenly remembered what it was that the health store clerk said that I was lacking--she said it was 'B' vitamins. She also said that they're not all created the same and suggested some expensive brand that was supposed to be utilized by the body much more readily. Could have just been a ploy, but maybe not. Anyway, I just thought I add that bit of info.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Ventura, CA.
I'm no expert but aren't B vitamins what the famous privileged rich people get large shots in the butt of to increase their energy?

Personally I'm sold on the Solgar brand of multiple daily vitamins with chelated minerals. No need to spend more than what these cost, I'd say..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2001
New Mexico, USA
Sorry to come so late to this topic.

I don't have insomnia, although when I'm 'inventin' I have trouble getting to sleep. (Fortunately I don't do much of that thinkin stuff anymore ;) )

Valarian root can help, as can Chammomile tea if all you need is to relax a little so you can drop off. (even a turkey sandwich... That Tryptophan stuff is in turkey too).

I'd really avoid any real drugs unless you find your life is actually being damaged by not getting enough sleep.... Even the mildest of them can have really bad side effects.

I'm a total night owl, rarely go to bed before 4 or 5 AM, but once I shut my eyes, I'm 'gone' for at least 6, usually 8 hours.


Aug 6, 2000
Green Bay, WI USA
Yup, working in the performance biz it is amazing how many riders came through that we had to have so many CC's of vitamin B and a nurse to shoot up the performers. I bet about 1 in 4 performers do that, not sure how much it really helps, but they swear by it. Most claim it keeps them from getting sick with all the long hours and little sleep they get touring.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2002
by the river
PhotonWrangler said:
Trazedone (prescription med) helps many people sleep. It's actually an antidepressant but in small doses it has an off-label use as a sleeping aid. As far as I know it's not habit forming.

philiphb said:
Best advice I've seen on this thread so far. Works very well, no REM effect, not addictive. The sleepy effect can last up to 12 hours, so be careful in the morning of take it 12 hours before you want to wake up. Some folks report that it prevents them from getting migraines. Talk to your Doctor about getting this and ask him/her about any "sexual" side effects it may have and how to deal with these.

I believe each human reacts a little differently to a particular drug.

Years ago I was experiencing some sever insomnia.

I explained the situation to a new GP. Short story: more than one event of 3 to 4 nights in a row, no sleep, still performing at work.

Try #one. Sonota 5 mg. Nothing.
Try #two. 1 and 1/2 Sonota 5 mg. Nothing.
Try #three. 1 Trazodone 50 mg. Nothing.
Try #four. 1 Trazodone 50 mg. and 1 Sonota 5 mg. Nothing.
Try #five. 1 and 1/2 50 mg Trazodone. I'll never forget that.

Eyes drifted off the TV and stared at the wall. I thought, "I've been given a chemical lobotomy." Went to bed. Slept or something like sleep for 4 or 5 hours. Woke up exhausted and strange.

Never again.

Found out from the Doc that Trazodone was an old anti-depressant that didn't work very well. A side effect was that patients using it would sleep more heavily. Now it is sometimes prescribed for insomnia. Like many drugs we don't no how it works. An old anti-depressant? Great GoogleyMoogley! That's all I don't need.

Try #six. 5 mg Ambien. Felt that but still no sleep.
Try #seven. 10 mg Ambien. Bingo. Slept 5 hours. Felt good when I woke up.

Found out I had apnea. Got the machine. Works most of the time. Now when I feel I need one I break a 10mg Ambien leaving at between 60% to 80% to ingest. Very strong to me.

Not at all a perfect drug. If you're prone to sleep walking be careful. Reports of people sleep eating are not that uncommon. Some reports of people SLEEP DRIVING have been noted.

Trazodone for me? Never ever again.

Trazodone RX List

Brock said:

Yup. Carefully but yes, they work like a champ for about 5 hours then I "coast-sleep" for another 1 to 2 hours. I try not to take them much after 11:00 pm.

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