D.E.F. (Adblue) and d.e.f. chip shortage


Feb 29, 2004
I would suggest moving away from the big cities.
Throw away the 21st, 20th, and even big chunks of the 19th century. Sure, why not?

You need to get somewhere you can be self-sufficient and live off the land.
And while you're at it, throw away the modern economy. Cool beans.

When people in the cities start to starve, all hell will break loose and you don't wan't to be near that many people desperate enough to kill you for a can of beans.
From what I've read of these situations bad things do indeed happen, but it doesn't descend into the charnel house of so much bad disaster porn either.

The countryside has agriculture and raw materials. The city has production capacity and infrastructure. They need each another.

I'm not saying it's practical or fair.
Or for that matter even possible.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Figured I should post an update to this thread with current events. Russia has halted exports of fertilizers. I won't get into the specifics. You can look that up on your own. This includes urea, which is used for Adblue. Russia is the world's largest exporter of urea, so this is a big deal. With the mess over there, this situation could last for awhile. Remember that we need fertilizer to grow crops. People are probably going to starve because of this. Also remember Adblue is required for semi trucks to ship food to market, for farm equipment to grow food, for garbage trucks, and for emergency services vehicles (fire trucks, ambulances, police cars). Brazil gets 20% of their supply of fertilizer from Russia and no longer has it. That means higher prices and less supply of soy beans, sugar, coffee, corn, and beef from them. Time to be growing your food at home. You might not be able to rely on groceries from the stores to feed you for much longer.
The Alex Jones force is strong with this one……